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Daily Q&A 4/10

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Daily Q&A 4/10 Empty Daily Q&A 4/10

Post  Sylhana Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:36 pm

A. As you all know, we have increased the server inspections to 4 times a week. This increase in server inspections is to find the causes of lag. We are trying our best to find the problems that might be causing lag in the game, and constantly investigating our hardware, program, and network. But we ask for our users¡® understanding that lag cannot be completely removable, due to the feature of online games. However, we are continually trying our best to reduce lag as much as possible. "
Q. There is too much lag during game play these days. Is this going to be solved soon?
A.??As you all know, we have increased the server inspections to 4 times a week. This increase in server inspections is to find the causes of lag. We are trying our best to find the problems that might be causing lag in the game, and constantly investigating our hardware, program, and network. But we ask for our users¡® understanding that lag cannot be completely removable, due to the feature of online games. However, we are continually trying our best to reduce lag as much as possible. http://news.mmosite.com/data/p/u/2006/04/10/1285797775.html

Posts : 88
Join date : 2008-04-03

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