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Post  wtzvd Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:28 am

Guild Participation
For a team to be eligible, at least four (4) of the eight (Cool members of a guild's team in a daily GvG automated tournament must have been a member of that guild for fourteen (14) days prior to the start of the tournament. The other four (4) players on the team can be guild members, guests, Heroes, or henchmen.

Teams may have different guild members or players compete in subsequent rounds but the same rule listed above applies. Only the eight (Cool guild members who competed in the first round will collect any earned Tournament Reward Points.

A guild must have at least four (4) human players available to play during a match (in which case they may also use four (4) computer-controlled henchmen or Heroes). If a guild is unable to field at least four (4) human players, then that guild forfeits the battle.

Any guild officer can register a guild for an automated tournament using the Guild Battle button and selecting the Register for Tournament option from the list of possible guild battle types. Five (5) tournament tokens will be deducted from the inventory of the officer who is registering for the tournament.

Each tournament token costs 1,000 Balthazar faction points. You may purchase these tournament tokens from the Tournament NPC who appears in every guild hall as well as in the Great Temple of Balthazar and the Hero Battles arena.

The map rotation for GvG games will be in this order: Nomad's Isle, Warrior's Isle, Druid's Isle, Frozen Isle, Imperial Isle, and Burning Isle.

1v1 Participation
Individuals interested in participating in a daily 1v1 automated tournament must have registered their accounts with a Tournament NPC (found in guild halls, the Hero Battles arena, and the Great Temple of Balthazar).

To register your account, simply select one of your character names. This name identifies your account in the ladder and in tournaments. You may change this name once every 30 days.

To register for an automated tournament, use the Hero Battle button (only available in the Hero Battles arena) and select the Register for Tournament option from the list of possible Hero Battle types. One (1) tournament token will be deducted from your inventory.

Each tournament token costs 1,000 Balthazar faction points. You may purchase these tournament tokens from the Tournament NPC who appears in every guild hall as well as in the Great Temple of Balthazar and the Hero Battles arena.

The map rotation for 1v1 games will be in this order: The Crossing, Bombardment, The Beachhead, and Desert Sands. http://www.guildwars.com/competitive/tournament2008/rules.php

Posts : 84
Join date : 2008-04-01

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