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SPs Gaining Monsters

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SPs Gaining Monsters Empty SPs Gaining Monsters

Post  WOW FAN Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:17 pm

Although the most of the monsters (also called mobs) you will meet in the game are the general ones, there are many types of monsters:


General monsters are the typical monsters you meet in the game. Some kinds of monsters have also champion type and/or giant type. Champion are little bigger than the general ones and have usually different color. Giants are look like as the general but their dimensions are huge.

Unique monsters appear in random place every 3-6 hours and elite are monsters that are spawned by the uniques.

You may sometime notice some monsters that have the word "Strong" before their names. Strong monsters appear when someone uses Pandora's box or monsters scrolls.

Champion, giant, unique, elite and strong monsters always have an aggressive behavior, which means they attack you first if you are close to them. Normal monsters are either aggressive or passive (depends on the monster).

Monsters that are level 10 or higher may be in a party. Party monsters have a icon left of their name and the word "(Party)" next to their type. They are very strong mosters, they have lot more health and they make lot more damage than every other monster of their level. If you are in an XP party and at least one party member is close to you, you will increase the respawn of party monsters around you.

When you click on a monster, its name will appear on the middle top of the screen. The color of the name represents the difference between its and your level:
Dark blue: The monster is much lower level than you
Light blue: The monster is few levels lower
White: The monster is about at the same level as you
Light red: The monster is few levels higher
Dark red: The monster is much higher level than you
Under the name will appear a red bar, which represents the monster's health. The monster's level and its type will appear just under its health.
There are 3 ways to attack a monster:
Double click on it.
Holding the CTRL key and click once on it.
Click once on it and then use autoattack action.

Posts : 224
Join date : 2008-03-20

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