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SPs Gaining Party

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SPs Gaining Party Empty SPs Gaining Party

Post  WOW FAN Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:27 pm

There 2 types of parties:
SP parties: Max 4 players
XP parties: Max 8 players
When the party is full all the players (no matter if they are close to each other or not) get more SP (in SP parties) or XP (in XP parties) by killing monsters.

Party properties

Exp auto share:
Option for XP parties, where the XP that a player gets by killing monsters is distributed to all the party members that are close to him.

Exp distribution:
Option for SP parties, where everyone gets his own XP.

Item auto share:
Party members have to be close in order the item auto share to take effect. With item auto share, any party member can pick up not only his but also and the other members' drops (except from quest items) without waiting for them to be available for everyone. When a party member picks up gold, the gold is shared to equal parts to all party members. When a party member picks up an item, it goes either in his or in another party member's inventory.

Item distribution:
Everyone gets only his own drops.

Can invite without master status:
When it is checked any party member can invite people to the party, otherwise only party master can invite people to the party.

Party master

Party master is the player that controls the party and has a red flag on his picture. When someone creates a party, he becomes the party master. When the party master leaves the party, then the flag goes to the oldest player (by the order the players joined the party) and he becomes the party master. Only the party master can form the party and ban people from it.

Party members

When you are in a party, all the party members are displayed at the left of your screen and you can see their pictures and their HP/MP bars.

If the party is an XP party, the picture of the members that are not close enough to you is turning into blue. That means that you can't share any XP with these players, until they are close enough again.

If a player (who is close to you) uses any skills or suffer by abnormal status, these info will appear under his bars, as icons.

To see more info about the party members, open the party window (pressing P by default). There you can see their levels and the guilds they belong to.

How to join a party

There are 2 ways to join a party. The first one is to be invited and the second one is by party matching.

When someone invites you to a party, a window appears at the middle of your screen. This window contains the name of the player that invited you and some basics party properties. If you want to join, accept the invitation. Otherwise refuse or just wait for the window to be disappeared.

If you want to see a list of available parties that are searching for members, open the party matching window. To open it, press E (by default) or if you have the party window already opened, press the "Party match" button. At the middle bottom of the window you can see a number with two arrows. Press the arrows to see the next/previous pages of the list.

If you want to join an XP party, search for parties that have a max of 8 members. If you want to join an SP party, search for parties with max 4 members. When you find a party, click on it and then press the "Join party" button. If the party master accepts your request, then you will join the party, otherwise you have to search for a new one.

If you don't want to waste time searching for a party, you can use the "Auto Match" button. When you press it, the "Auto matching" window appears. Choose between the "Exp auto share" (XP parties) and the "Exp distribution" (SP parties) and then press the "Confirm" button. Auto matching does an auto request to all the parties that fit your choices at the specific page. If the auto matching ends without results, try to refresh the page (by pressing the "Refresh" button) or go to the next/previous page and start the Auto Match again.

How to invite people to a party

If the party allows invitations without master status, you can invite players that are close to you, even if you are not the party master.

To see if your party allows these invitations, open the party window and look just above the party master. Parties that allows invitations without master status have the message "Invitation of party member available".

To invite a player to the party, click once on him and then open the party window and press the "Invite" button. If the player accepts the invitation then he will automatic join the party.

How to create a party

NOTICE: You have to be at least level 5 to be able to create your own party.

Before creating a party, you have to set its properties first. Open the party window and then press the "Set" button. If the "Set" button is grey (can't be pressed) then you already have a party and you have either to press dismiss (if there are party members in it) or delete the entry from the party matching window (if there are no members in it). When you are done with the party properties, press "Yes" to close the confirmation window.

Then press "Party match" button to open the party matching window. In the party matching window, press the "Form party" button. Choose the purpose, the max and min level of the members and the title and then press the "Confirm" button (Keep in mind, that party properties are these that you already set by the party window and they can't be changed by the party matching window).

When the party if formed, you (and all the party members) may see it on the top of the list with blue characters. When the party gets full, it is automatic removed from the party matching, so when a player leaves and you want to make the available in the party matching again, you have to reform it.

When your party is formed, any player that is interested in your party, requests to join your party. Anytime a player requests to join your party, a window appears in the middle of your screen, containing some info about this player, such his name, his skill masteries, his level, his race, his position and his guild. If you want to let the player join your party you press "Confirm" to the "Join request sent" window, otherwise you press "Cancel".

Party member's position

All the party members are represented in the maps with dots like this: . When you place your mouse over a party member's dot in the map, you will see his name (it doesn't work with the minimap though).

In the minimap, except for the dots, you may notice some gold arrows like this: . These arrows show you the direction you have to go in order to find the party members that are far away from you.

Party chat

To talk in public to all the party members, write a message that starts with the # character (e.g. #hi all!). To see all the public conversation between the party members, chose the party tab of the chat window.

How to leave/dismiss a party

If you want to leave a party, open the party window. Next to your character, there is a "Leave" button. Press it and you will leave the party. If you are the party master, a "Dismiss" button appears next to you, instead the "Leave" button. Just press it to dismiss the party.

How to ban someone from a party

Only the party master can ban people from a party. If you are the party master, open the party window and you will see an "Banish" button next to each party member. Choose the member you want to ban and press his respective button.

Posts : 224
Join date : 2008-03-20

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