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Lost Time Lost Time

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Lost Time Lost Time Empty Lost Time Lost Time

Post  UNICEFUSA Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:12 pm

Lost Time - Suitable for Concentrated spawn for Priests
Monsters Master Death Teddy (Lv 89, 40000HP, 1720exp, weak to holy, Undead)
Notable Drops 60% Spear for Atk, Dark Galaxy
Sutiable For: Priests, Dragong Knights level 85+

Pros Nice EXP
Nice Mobs

Cons Even more crappy drops than Death Teddies
Horrible Terrains

Comments Never heard much about this place, but from what I can see, this is pretty much only good for a priest and his/her party members. Anyone without a Priest here will have a hard time maneuvering themselves (well, partying with a Priest doesn't make maneuvering easier, but at least you don't worry so much about it).

Posts : 67
Join date : 2008-03-27

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