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Guide for the Magi Order - TsumeNoHikari

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Guide for the Magi Order - TsumeNoHikari Empty Guide for the Magi Order - TsumeNoHikari

Post  nbgac Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:19 am

Before I start this guide. Allow me to introduce the Incar order and why it is one of the best/worst class to play.


- 2nd easiest class to find a party (besides seg)

- flashy spells ^^

- variety of skills allow for versatility for soloing or partying

- low mana pot usage until later on levels

- “safe” if one knows how to play utilizing timing for knockbacks

- boasts one of the highest defenses in the game (if built proper)

- contraire to belief mages make decent tanks (i’m usually last one standing when party dies)


- pvp is one of the areas where we do not shine like dagger hunters until later levels

- hp pot intensive in aoe parties w/o a seg

- slow moving -.-


- will hurt your fingers due to switching of multiple skill bars

Tips to be a successful mage:

KNOW your role - support! don’t be a hero!

Use knockback on opponent/mobs to your advantage - keep them away from yourself

Most Importantly:

PATIENCE! our time to shine will come at later levels, when we boast one of the highest defense and hp of all classes and one of the highest dps

Stat Point guide

My 2 cents to this - glass cannon is NOT WORTH it

Opposed to many other MMORPGs the Incar mage in 2moons is definitely one of the more unique mages.

With our energy mastery (30% def boost at lvl 10), we can easily have enough defense to match a knight or a bagi.

As many probably know

1 pt in heal = 20 health, approx +1 def, increase in % of shield relative to hp

1 pt in spr = +3 magic attack, +10 mp

From the numbers alone one can see that the equivalence of heal:spr is different.

At an obtainable level of 54 with a basic wand and no armor/skill

A heal mage will boast:

- 12 str, 115 heal, 150 spr

- 3272 hp

- 1932 mp

- 846/990 magic attack

- 269 def

- 7159 shield

A glass cannon mage utilizing (1:4, heal:spr) will boast:

- 12 str, 53 heal, 212 spr

- 2032 hp

- 2552 mp

- 1032/1176 magic attack

- 176 def

- 5020 shield

One can see that with a difference of

+ 1240 hp

- 620 mp

- 186 magic attack

+ 73 def

+ 2139 shield

The health mage will greatly outlast a glass cannon of the same level

With the increase of 1240 hp, 73 def, and 2139 shield the health mage will greatly outlast its counter part sacrificing 620 mp, and 186 magic attack.

Damage Analysis

Statistically speaking

620 mp at lvl 54 is not a great difference due to the usage of mana force which almost guarantees a full mana bar unless one’s spamming lvl 51 spells constantly

186 magic attack difference will hurt the health mage’s damage output since the attacks are often 3 hits (lvl 36) or 6 hits (lvl 51). damage on an opponent without def or elemental resistance means that it will decrease the total dmg output of lvl 36 aoes by 558, and decrease lvl 51 spells by a hefty 1116.

From a mathematically point of view the decrease of damage is not significantly large due to the fact that all mobs/players have resistance to certain elements

Since all spells are calculated in the same formula, i shall utilize a simple calculation to illustrate my idea

For the sake of simplicity in a theoretical enviornment with a mob that has 0 def and 10% fire resis

Health mage lvl 51 spell = 6 x 1000 = 6000 - 10% resis = 5400 total dmg

Glass cannon lvl 51 spell = 6 x 1186 = 7116 - 10% resis = 6404 total dmg

6404 - 5400 = 1004 difference

Thus instead of a decrease of 1116 dmg, there is only a decrease of 1004 dmg. Simply due to the fact that a high damage = a higher resistance penalty.

In an ideal position where there is no defense/resistance a glass cannon will out damage a health mage by a large amount


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Join date : 2008-04-01

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