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Fire Elemental Skill Analysis

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Fire Elemental Skill Analysis Empty Fire Elemental Skill Analysis

Post  nbgac Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:20 am

Fire Mastery


1 pt = +3% elemental attack, +1% elemental resistance up to lvl 5, then +2% elemental resistance

Max level = 10 - +30% elemental attack, +15% elemental resistance

Achievable max at level 50


One of the best ways to boost spell damage for all attacks of a certain element without spending points into leveling them. The mastery will passively increase all attacks of that element by a certain percentage. Definitely worth leveling up. However, one must be careful not to get too overexcited with the distribution of points. A tri-elemental mage will usualy only have enough skill points to level up 2 masteries to lvl 10 leaving the other mastery at a much lower level until the later point of the game.

Fire Bolt - lvl 7


Long range attack w/ fire


A fundamental skill that will be used until lvl 16 when one gets fire ball. DO NOT level beyond level 1, this skill will be immediately phased out upon obtaining lvl 16.

Fire Ball - lvl 16


Long range attack w/ fire, stronger than fire bolt

Small aoe radius


Bread and butter of the incar, good for single hit for a decent amount of damage. DO NOT level beyond level 1, although it will be continuously used past lvl 70, the skill is definitly not worth investing points into. If one wants to raise the damage, invest the point into the mastery instead of the skill since it’ll benefit all fire spells. One of the 1st aoe skills obtained by the mage, can be used in conjunction with lightning chase for small mob aoes.

Fire Blaze - lvl 27


Extremely close range aoe attack, 3 hits

Instantaneous cast


A life saving skill to knock back mobs/players when they reach too close for your personal comfort. Worth investing points depending on one’s playing style.

Trick to using spell effectively

Once a mage reaches a certain level, this skill will start to do large knockback and some times the 3 hit aoe will only hit once or twice due to the knockback. To use the spell effectively, target your mob/opponent push ~ (auto attack), and right after the 1st physical attack w/ the wand/staff push W (move forward). Right after moving forward use the attack. Why? Simple, you will be positioned almost directly upon the mob/opponent and the all 3 attacks will connect since the mob/opponent will be forzen within your aoe range (theres no corners in the middle of a circle).

Fire Fury - lvl 36


Mid-range aoe attack, 3 hits

Relative large radius

Slow casting time


One of the fundamental aoe skills a mage MUST have. This spell will be used until the high 80s, due to low mana cost and high damage. Definitly worth skill point investment.


DO NOT level this skill beyond level 6 max. The cooldown time for skill above level 6 will not allow a continuous aoe cycle for a tri-elemental mage. There will be a delay in the casting time if one were to increase aoe level above 6.

Flame Burning - lvl 51


Mid-range single mob/opponent attack, 6 hits


A more pvp oriented spell with 6 hits that does good knockback upon leveling the skill. At level 1 the skill will not do any knockback, don’t let the spell description fool you. A worth while spell to have, but not necessarily worth investing points into until much much later levels where there are points left to invest. I personally did not get this skill until mid level 60s, when I actually started pvp/pk.

Blast Phoenix - lvl 81


Mid-range aoe attack, 1 hit


A single hit aoe attack that does a large amount of damage, however with experiments the single hit attack does not do as much damage as the total damage dealt with a leveled up 36 aoe. However, skill is definitely good for knockback for the crucial few mili-seconds to start cast for next spell. Contraire to popular belief/rumor, this skill does not miss.

Infernal Pillar - lvl 92


Mid/Close-range aoe attack, 2 hit

Large radius


Double hit aoe attack with a large radius, does large amounts of damage while doing additional burning damage through shield.


Posts : 99
Join date : 2008-04-01

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