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Lightning Elemental Skill Analysis

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Lightning Elemental Skill Analysis Empty Lightning Elemental Skill Analysis

Post  nbgac Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:22 am

Lightning Mastery


1 pt = +3% elemental attack, +1% elemental resistance up to lvl 5, then +2% elemental resistance

Max level = 10 - +30% elemental attack, +15% elemental resistance

Achievable max at level 50


One of the best ways to boost spell damage for all attacks of a certain element without spending points into leveling them. The mastery will passively increase all attacks of that element by a certain percentage. Definitely worth leveling up. However, one must be careful not to get too overexcited with the distribution of points. A tri-elemental mage will usualy only have enough skill points to level up 2 masteries to lvl 10 leaving the other mastery at a much lower level until the later point of the game.
Lightning Bolt - lvl 7


Long range single hit


Basic spell as fire bolt, and ice bolt. DO NOT waste points into leveling this skill, it will be replaced as soon as chain lightning is avaliable.

Chain Lightning - lvl 16


Long range single/aoe hit

CAN miss


The very 1st real aoe skill for a mage comes with this spell. One must get used to the idea of luring 3 separate mobs with lower level spells and once they aggregate the mage can use chain lightning to hit them all, followed by a fireball which also has a small radius aoe. Level up this skill with discretion, it will not be very useful upon reaching lvl 36 aoes, however it still has limited use in later levels.

Tricks to using spell effectively

Lure aggro mobs via running by them, NOT THROUGH them! One can only get 3 mobs following, one can herd them into a tight bunch by looping around them. Once the mobs are in close proximity, the small radius aoe w/ chain lightning and fire ball can begin.


If chain lightning is used as the opening spell, it WILL miss! So use another spell such as fireball for the opening spell.

Lightning Chase - lvl 27


Mid range single hit

Small aoe radius

CAN miss


One of the more interesting skills due to the small aoe radius and relatively good damage. Skill can be used in conjunction along w/ lvl 36 aoe or as a close range defense w/ lvl 27 fire blaze. Specific use is not limited towards pve, however in a pvp this spell is relatively slow casting compared to the damage done to opponent.

Lightning Storm - lvl 36


Mid range aoe, 3 hit


The third of the 3 incar aoes. Has relatively good damage upon leveling the spell. Used in a continuous chain along with other lvl 36 aoes.


DO NOT level this skill beyond level 6 max. The cooldown time for skill above level 6 will not allow a continuous aoe cycle for a tri-elemental mage. There will be a delay in the casting time if one were to increase aoe level above 6.

Cruelty Lightning


Mid range single target, 6 hits


Another pvp oriented skill due to its knockback at higher spell levels. Points are definitely WORTH investing if one has spare points due to its usage later in conjunction with imitid flash for added damage boost. Has slower casting speed than the other 51 spells due to attack animation, use at max distance.

Thunder Spear - lvl 92


Mid range aoe, 2 hits

CAN miss


A spell similar to freezing spirit due to the straight line nature of the spell. One can easily dodge the spear if not slowed/frozen

Imitid Flash


Mid/close range aoe, 5 hits

Large radius

Will damage opponent through shield for a small duration

Will boost lightning damage of all lightning attacks by 10% for every 1 skill point used starting at 20% increase initially


The spell that makes mages shine above the rest of the classes, this skill alone is not superb damage wise, however the side effects of the damage amplifier makes this skill a crucial part to any mage’s arsenal. Spell will initially cast a close range aoe creating knockback, and then later will TEMPORARILY boost all lightning attacks by a certain percentage.

Skill Tree Comparison

The skills listed/analyzed above works best when they are used in conjunction with each other. However, one has to realize that each element has its pros and cons.



Highest damaging element


Slowest cooldown time

An element that most players will protect themselves against due to python castle



Special side effects (slowing/freezing) w/ certain spells


Lowest damaging element

2nd slowest cooldown time



Fastest cooldown time

2nd highest damaging element


CAN miss



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Join date : 2008-04-01

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