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In Are you ever going to post Newb advice??

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In Are you ever going to post Newb advice?? Empty In Are you ever going to post Newb advice??

Post  pwppxb Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:31 pm

I knew that was coming, so I thought I'd live up to the name of the blog and actually offer some information for the newer player. Smile

So you've never done an instance, you say? Neither had I until this past weekend, so let me share what I picked up.

OK - first things first: Make a point of remembering where you entered the instance at. I know this sounds stupid but I couldn't remember which building held the tunnels that led to the instance and so after I died and couldn't find my way back, they had to leave the instance to come find me. It was *very* embarrassing and all I can say is I'm glad we had pretty much finished everything - that way I didn't have to feel too bad about them leaving and forming said search and rescue team.

Second (or maybe first depending on your priorities): Your bags. Since all manner of goodies are going to drop in an instance, make sure your bags are empty or you will be stuck half way through the instance trying to decide what to delete in order to pick up that really cool . I tend to carry all manner of crap in my bags - I *need* the fishing pool and flint and tinder and scrolls and potions and quest items, etc. Yes, you do need them - but NOT in an instance (except the potions of course) - so stop at a bank first and empty out all the non-essentials. (Sounds simple but trust me on this.... it really sucks when someone says "hey, can I see that sword you picked up" and you have to stammer out the reply that you deleted it because the damage was low and you needed the space.)

Third: Looting etiquette. I have a tendency to shift+click to loot. This saves time, etc. but in an instance can irritate your instance-mates. Why? Simple. Because some of the items are going to BoP. BoP means the minute you pick it up, it's soulbound and no one else can use it. If you shift-click, you pick it up without even realizing it and your mates can't get a shot at the item. I inadvertently picked up a couple BoP things before I figured this out. Fortunately, my guildies understand I'm a true noob and didn't scream at me. Smile

Fourth: The dungeon *will* respawn - so when you're done, don't stand around enchanting things and disenchanting things and chit chatting. Learned this the hard way *g* As in, we had pretty much finished; were looking over our stuff, etc. when I decided I'd go ahead and jump down to the next level instead of running to it as we were on the way out. Normally no problem - except 6 of the cretins had respawned right where I jumped.... can you say dead in 3 hits? I knew you could.

Other than that: Have FUN! (I mean, I'm sure there are other things to know about an instance but I'm a NOOB - remember????) http://www.worldofwar.net/forums/blogs/viewblog.php?userid=344074&entry=626

Posts : 109
Join date : 2008-04-01

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