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In An Epic Day

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In An Epic Day Empty In An Epic Day

Post  pwppxb Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:45 pm

Yesterday was an epic day. It started out fairly normal, except that I had the day off, which was nice and meant that I was able to get on WoW a little earlier then normal. I did my usual and started doing quests to get money for my epic flyer.

I quested away, getting closer and closer. I had been doing quests quite a lot lately in a final push to get enough gold for my epic flying mount. Or should I say enough of a gold cushion between being broke when I got it and not being broke. I had given myself the figure of 6000 gold before I would buy the training for the epic flying mount and the actual mount, which meant I would have 800 gold left over for my usual activities. I also started the day quite close to that 6000 gold amount, I was a little under 100g to go.

So I quested. The day slowly went by and eventually I had about 10 gold to go. Close to that 6k, but not close enough. But I had one quest to turn in that would give me just a little more then what I needed to reach my 6k gold goal. So off I went to turn it in.

On the way, a guildie asked if I wanted to join a group for Kara. Considering I had just got attuned for it, I was eager to go.

I was taking the place of another player, so I had missed the first little bit of the instance, which was fine by me, I just wanted to go. They had already done the first boss and we were on our way to Maiden. We trucked our way along, took down Maiden, then moved on to the Opera event, which turned out to be Wizard of Oz. It took a couple tries but we did the event and low and behold, what drops? Legacy drops, and who got it? I got it! My first epic I didn't have to buy! W00T!

After the Opera event we decided to call it quits. I went back to my task at hand, handing in that one last quest. I went up to Netherstorm, handed it in, and wham! ~6007 gold! So off to Shadowmoon Valley to get my epic flying mount! It was a tough decision, it ended up being between the purple and blue swift gryphon's, but in the end I went with Swift Blue Gryphon.

So, in the end, it was an epic day! A sweet epic drop from Kara and an epic flying mount! Yay!

Posts : 109
Join date : 2008-04-01

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