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Quest for an Epic Flying Mount

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Quest for an Epic Flying Mount Empty Quest for an Epic Flying Mount

Post  pwppxb Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:04 am

I remember it being a Sunday. I had just finished my tour of duty in Alterac Valley in order to obtain the Stormpike Battle Charger epic riding mount. Alas, I was still 59, so I couldn't use it yet, but I had it.

I then reported for duty in the Blasted Lands where I would start my stint in Outlands fighting the hellish creatures of the Burning Legion. Still only 59, the commanders wished me luck and pointed me in the direction of the Dark Portal. Quite the sight that thing is I must say.

With a little exhilaration and dread, I marched my way up too and through the eerie Dark Portal. It's a very strange feeling going through that thing. A tingly, tainted, creepy feeling.

As I came through on the other side of the portal, the heat of Hellfire Penninsula hit me. It was considerably hotter here then it was in the Blasted Lands. And the Blasted Lands is not a cool place let me tell you. Not too mention the battle that was raging at the bottom of the stairs. I figured I'd stay clear of that for the time being.

Anyway, I caught a ride to Honor Hold and reported for duty. I was given a couple more menial tasks. Speak to this guy, report to that guy. Kill this, slay that. However, shortly after completing those missions, I was there. Level 60! I rushed back to Ironforge and went to the ram farm. I was to be instructed to increase my riding abilities, because I would need it in order to ride this Stormpike Battle Charger. A couple quick lessons and there I was, perched atop my fine, noble ram.

At this point is where a new quest began. I knew, with enough training, I would be able to get a flying mount. Not only that, I could get an epic flying mount! Now, I want to try to take the step from the epic riding mount to the epic flying mount in one giant leap. Thus, my new quest to get the epic flying mount when I hit 70.

I am now level 64, almost 65, so I have a little ways to go yet before I can even get a flying mount. But it's the gold that's going to be the fun part. Luckly I'm fairly good at making money, but even so, I will need roughly 6200 gold in order to go straight to the epic flying mount. 6200! Thankfully, I'm about 1/3rd of the way there already. But that is still a lot of gold to make up in only five levels.

My gut feeling is that I won't be able to do it right when I hit 70. I may have to work at it a bit after I ding. That will be ok, because I hear that once 70, quests give you tons of gold. We'll see how things go. I will get it, I can guarantee you that. It's just a matter of how long I am willing to wait for a flying mount. http://www.worldofwar.net/forums/blogs/viewblog.php?userid=273881&entry=162

Posts : 109
Join date : 2008-04-01

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