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Things that make you say WTF!

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Things that make you say WTF! Empty Things that make you say WTF!

Post  yhcbty Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:51 am

I decided to use my level 49 warrior for the evening. Having only used him for a few minutes last week, he needed to exercise. Looking through my quest log I noticed I had a two green quests in STV (Strangle Thorn Vale) that I needed to finish. I met up with my regular quest partner, and we headed for the quest spot. The Bloodsail Buccaneers is a chain quest, and the last two links in the chain requires you to find a chart and a map, then kill three captains.

Finding the map and chart was a piece of cake. Turn that one in to get the final link, and we are off the finish off the quest. Find the first captain and take him out quickly. Head to the other boat, take out the four mobs, and enter the bowels of the boat. Now this is were things got ugly. My partner is a level 45 dwarf paladin, and is one heck of a player. She asked if her just healing would be considered "cheating" No, you can tank if you want and let me take care of the mobs and you just heal me. She chose the latter which was great since in lacking in my alchemy and didnt have any pots.

I take on the first saltdog mob, and notice Im not getting any decent damage with my sword. WTF! I'm wailing on this guy and he's not dropping. The mobs on the boats are not elites, and dont have any armor, but they take awhile to kill. Two more mobs attack and its getting harder for me to kill them. WTF! My partner is healing like crazy and starts to draw aggro because of her healing attempts. Down she goes, and now I've got 6 mob on me, and I eventually die.

DAMN! What is going on, why am I not getting any good damage on these guys. We go back and battle again, both dying before being able to kill the captain who I see is a 48.

I look at my 1H sword, its a level 38, no wonder Im not getting anything, its 11 levels below me. I forget that I had whirlwind axe and big 2H sword. Damn. I cannot continue, as my wife is battling the flu, and is violently ill. Have to remember to buy a new sword tonight. http://www.worldofwar.net/forums/blogs/viewblog.php?userid=341481&entry=204

Posts : 68
Join date : 2008-04-01

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