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Things that make you go DING

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Things that make you go DING Empty Things that make you go DING

Post  yhcbty Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:10 am

havent gotten to play for a few days, but here is my take on this lovely talkshow piece....

i am almost totally and purely a quester... i try to do them all, unfortunately i am also almost purely a soloist, which has hit me with a snag over the last couple of weeks. Now i have found over half of my quest log is full of quests that need groups... and even on the off time i decide "ok lets find a partner in crime"... i find it very very hard to find someone, especially i am 30 levels above my next guildmate... ugh...

Unlike some, i LIVE for the "collect 30 of this obscure horn that seems to fall off at a rate of 5 percent and return to me" quests, as it tricks my mind into thinking "hey.. its a quest.. you GOTTA do a quest" and it makes me grind at a very good pace with little distraction, and with them being located in outland, i get to find out all the new monstors out there too, and let my piggy gore the whole damn lot of them Smile

i do BG if there is a decent reward i want from the quartermasters, and i can count the number of instances i have done on one FINGER, but the storylines of the quests and the trekking to go do said quests keeps me coming back for more. http://www.worldofwar.net/forums/blogs/viewblog.php?userid=249278&entry=417

Posts : 68
Join date : 2008-04-01

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