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MapleStory Assassin/Hermit Guide for all

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MapleStory Assassin/Hermit Guide for all Empty MapleStory Assassin/Hermit Guide for all

Post  sarah Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:38 am

1.1 Introduction

So you want to become an Assassin. See an
Assassin is basically
an archer with two key differences. Archers are slower than
thieves in
general and Assassins can jump shoot enemies with ease
and have a longer range.
Assassins are not the most powerful class, but probably the
fastest class.
If being very fast and some one powerful appeals to you
become an

2.1 Legal Info

1. Do not produce this guide to the masses and
distribute it, you
can print off a copy for your friends if you want to.
2. Do not sell my publication.
3. This guide only belongs on GameFaqs.com,
Sleepywood.net, and MapleGuilds.com
4. If you want you, you can link this in a post such as
in the
forums, but do not post the guide itself in a forum
5. Note that SinMastah and Tubby353 are the same
person, SinMastah
was my favorite IGN, Tubby353 is my screen name for
most things

3.1 Starting off

So you have chosen to become an Assassin, but
do not think it will
be that easy. First when you are making your character, roll
the die
until you get 4 into STR and 4 into int. It may take a while
but it is
definitely worth it. Now as you start the game you will have
to overcome
monsters as a beginner doing very low damage. Just
because you do low
damage does not mean you will suck later on. As you start
out do every
quest you can on Maple Island because it gives you
valuable exp points
which are hard to come across in Maple Island. Do not
leave Maple Island
until you become level 10. As you level up put 5 into DEX
until it is
at 25. Put the rest into LUK until you leave Maple Island.
You will want
to stay in the first map with snails until about level 7 or 8,
then venture
off to do some of the quests and do all the quests you
encounter while
getting to level 7 or 8. After many kills and quests done get
off Maple
Island by talking to Shanks. Now the real journey begins.

4.1 Rogue Skills

Nimble body, this basically increases your
Accuracy and
Availability by a decent amount. This is very useful and we
will be maxing

Level 1: Accuracy +1, avoidability +1
Level 10: Accuracy +10, avoidability +10
Level 20: Accuracy +20, avoidability +20

Keen Eyes, This skills increases range for your
throwing. In the
beginning of using throwing stars you will have short range
and can not
jump attack, which is why we max this skill ASAP.

Level 1: Range of attack for throwing weapon: +25
Level 4: Range of attack for throwing weapon: +100
Level 8: Range of attack for throwing weapon: +200

Disorder, This skill is pointless for Assassins, we
still need
3 into this though to get dark sight. Basically this skill drops
stats of enemies by a very low amount, it is fun to mess
around with.
It might be more useful if you could throw stars using
disorder, but
it is only a melee attack unfortunately.

Level 1: MP -5; Enemy's weapon attack -1, weapon def. -1
for 7 seconds
Level 10: MP -7; Enemy's weapon attack -10, weapon def. -
10 for 31 seconds
Level 20: MP -10; Enemy's weapon attack -20, weapon def.
-20 for 60

Dark Sight, This skill allows thieves to disappear
and now you
can not be hit by physical attacks when this skill is being
Notice how I said physical attacks and not magical attacks.
Also this
skill will slow you down unless it is maxed. It also cancels
haste’s speed bonus unless it is maxed.

Level 1: MP -24; Disappear for 10 seconds, speed -57
Level 10: MP -15; Disappear for 100 seconds, speed -30
Level 20: MP -5; Disappear for 200 seconds, speed -0

Double Stab, This skill is for bandits, not for
assassins. It’s
where you attack an enemy twice with a melee weapon.

Level 1: MP -6; Damage 65% 2 Hits
Level 10: MP -9; Damage 95% 2 Hits
Level 20: MP -14; Damage 130% 2 Hits

Lucky 7, this is the main attacking skill for
assassins, so far
it’s the only single attacking skill that you will be using to
effectively train with. Later on we get new skills to use, but
might not be the most effective. However we will get into
this later.

Level 1: MP -8; Damage 58% x 2 Hits
Level 10: MP -11; Damage 100% x 2 Hits
Level 20: MP -16; Damage 150% x 2 Hits

4.2 Assassin skills, Congrats on being an Assassin,
now you have
more passives and party skills to use. Most are very useful.

Claw Mastery, More accuracy, more stars, more
minimum damage.
That’s all there is to this skill. Consider this mastery the best
of all masteries because it adds more stars.

Level 1: Claw mastery 15%, accuracy +1, maximum
number +10
Level 10: Claw mastery 35%, accuracy +10, maximum
number +100
Level 20: Claw mastery 60%, accuracy +20, maximum
number +200

Critical Throw, This is possibly the best second job
skill for
Assassins because it has a chance to multiply the damage
by two and
it’s passive. With a 50% chance you can expect at least one
per Lucky 7. Very useful.

Level 1: 21% success rate, critical damage 113%
Level 10: 30% success rate, critical damage 140%
Level 20: 40% success rate, critical damage 170%
Level 30: 50% success rate, critical damage 200%

Endure, Not very useful skill, it adds how much HP
and MP you
regenerate. We need 3 into this for drain though.

Level 1: Additional recovery of HP +3, MP +1 every 29
Level 10: Additional recovery of HP +30, MP +10 every 20
Level 20: Additional recovery of HP +60, MP +20 every 10

Claw Booster, Faster attack basically. We have the
choice of
either maxing this or maxing drain. This is a must. Honestly
if you
want get 1 into this and compare the different speeds if you
do not
believe me. You will definitely get booster.

Level 1: HP -29, MP -29; Improves claw speed for 10
Level 10: HP -20, MP -20; Improves claw speed for 100
Level 20: HP -10, MP -10; Improves claw speed for 200

Haste, This skill makes you jump higher and run
faster. This skill
is a big difference between Archers and Assassins. The
bonus is huge.
Also useful if some one wanted to KS you out of the map.
Did I mention
party members can benefit from this skill too.

Level 1: MP -15; Speed +2, jump +1 for 10 seconds
Level 10: MP -15; Speed +20, jump +10 for 100 seconds
Level 20: MP -30; Speed +40, jump +20 for 200 seconds

Drain, this is kind of like heal, but instead of just
you’re leaching. Not effective for killing, but throw one of
when your HP is low. The limitations are kind of confusing
but they
are understandable.

Level 1: MP -12; Damage 102%, absorbing 16% of the
Level 10: MP -12; Damage 120%, absorbing 25% of the
Level 20: MP -24; Damage 140%, absorbing 35% of the
Level 30: MP -24; Damage 160%, absorbing 45% of the

4.3 Hermit Skills, Wow now you really deserve
congrats. 60 levels
of lucky 7 and you made it. Now it pays off big time.

Alchemist, you heal more and potions that increase
your stats have
a longer time period. Simple.

Level 1: Recovery rate 103%, duration of effect 103%
Level 10: Recovery rate 130%, duration of effect 130%
Level 20: Recovery rate 150%, duration of effect 150%

Mesos Up, Alright so we have a skill that increases
the money we
get. It will help a little bit but not enough to be the first thing
to max.

Level 1: MP -45; Drop rate +3% for 25 seconds
Level 10: MP -50; Drop rate +30% for 70 seconds
Level 20: MP -60; Drop rate +50% for 120 seconds

CopyCat, now we are talking. This skill is like
having two
Assassins. They copy cat attacks with you so you throw 4
stars instead
of 2. At a cost of a summoning stone to summon it which
costs 5k this
skill is not cheap, but it is worth it. Probably the best Hermit

Level 1: MP -200; Normal attack 20%, summoned with
basic attack 21% for
60 seconds
Level 10: MP -155; Normal attack 49%, summoned with
basic attack 24%
for 60 seconds
Level 20: MP -105; Normal attack 70%, summoned with
basic attack 34%
for 120 seconds
Level 30: MP -55; Normal attack 80%, summoned with
basic attack 50% for
180 seconds

Shadow Web, This skill basically traps monsters for a
period of time
for you to attack, again simple.

Level 1: MP -10; Holds the enemies with 42% success rate
for 5 seconds
Level 10: MP -14; Holds the enemies with 60% success
rate for 6 seconds
Level 20: MP -22; Holds the enemies with 80% success
rate for 8 seconds

Shadow Mesos, This skill uses mesos instead of
MP. Useful in a
way. It also ignores enemies defense up skills.

Level 1: Uses min. 50 mesos, max. 220 mesos; Basic
attack +50% with 1%
success rate
Level 10: Uses min. 140 mesos, max. 400 mesos; Basic
attack +50% with
4% success rate
Level 20: Uses min. 240 mesos, max. 600 mesos; Basic
attack +50% with
7% success rate
Level 30: Uses min. 340 mesos, max. 800 mesos; Basic
attack +50% with
10% success rate

Avenger, finally we have a multi enemy attack. This
will pass
through enemies so you can hit up to 6 depending on the
skill level.
Also is you use copy cat, it will throw the avenger again.

Level 1: MP -16; Basic attack 65%, uses 3 throwing stars to
attack up
to 4 enemies
Level 10: MP -16; Basic attack 110%, uses 3 throwing stars
to attack
up to 4 enemies
Level 20: MP -23; Basic attack 150%, uses 3 throwing stars
to attack
up to 5 enemies
Level 30: MP -30; Basic attack 180%, uses 3 throwing stars
to attack
up to 6 enemies

Flash Jump, Have you heard some one say
something relating to FJ
and how amazing it is. Well this is it. It’s like the teleport for
Assassins, but we move farther and it looks a lot cooler too.
A big
MP loss per jump though.

Level 1: MP -60; Jumps a certain distance
Level 10: MP -33; Jumps a certain distance
Level 20: MP -13; Jumps a certain distance

Posts : 201
Join date : 2008-03-22

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