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second maple guide... hope u like it! (warriors-spearmans)

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second maple guide... hope u like it! (warriors-spearmans) Empty second maple guide... hope u like it! (warriors-spearmans)

Post  vmvznv Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:15 pm

Table of Contents

1) Pros and Cons ( y u should be a warrior and wat are there strengths and weaknesses)
2) Pros and Cons ( of spearman)
3) Stat build for warriors
4) Hunting grounds- warriors
5)Skill explamation of warriors
6) End of the guide

1) Now then lets start off with the pros and cons of a warrior (usin a spear/polearm)

Pros:Can kill multiple enemies at once
:Are very strong in the beginng
:Own all jobs with there strength
:Can make kerning boss (king slime) flinch
:Range is farther than other warriors

Cons:To slow
:Hard to kill 1on1
:Polearms= bad stab
:Spears=bad slash

2) Pros: Have hyper body
:Arnt really tht slow anymore because of spear/polearmbooster
: (rest of the pros are basically the same as abv^^^^)

Cons: Slow untill u get booster
: Are weaker than fighters cause of rage
: (rest are same as abv^^^)

3) Stat build

10 -1st point into hp recovery
11 -3points into hp recovery
12 -1point into hp recovery(5), 2 in to max hp increase
13 -3points into max hp increase
14 -3points into max hp increase
15 -2points into max hp increase(maxed) 1 point into power strike
from here its ur choice to max slash blast or power strike but i suggest slash blast to kill slimes since ur gonna be trainin on them for a while
16 -3 points into powerstrike/slashblast
17 -3 points into powerstrike/slashblast
18 -3 points into powerstrike/slashblast
19 -3 points into powerstrike/slashblast
20 -3 points into powerstrike/slashblast
21 -3 points into powerstrike/slashblast
22 - 2points into slash blast 1 power strike (maxed) ( if u did slash blast) or if u did power strike 1point into power strike (maxed) 2points into slashblast
23 -3 points into powerstrike/slashblast
24 -3 points into powerstrike/slashblast
25 -3 points into powerstrike/slashblast
26 -3 points into powerstrike/slashblast
27 -3 points into powerstrike/slashblast
28 -3 points into powerstrike/slashblast(maxed)
29 - this is ur choice endure or max hp recovery so 3endure/hp recovery
30 - 3 ironbody/hprecovery ( if u chose endure before then iron body)


4) Hunting Grounds:

1-10 maple island
10-15 heneyes hunting ground 1/2
15-20 slimez (slime trees near elinna
20-25 pigs (pig beach)
25-30 pq or ant tunnels 1/2(zombie mushrooms)

5) Explamtion of Skills:

Improving Hp Recovery makes u heal more every second (every skill point= 3 more hp) master lvl 16

Improving max hp increase (increases ur hp every time u lvl so if u were to gain 5 hp ud gain Cool master lvl 10

Power strike hits a powerfull strike on 1 foe master lvl 20

Slash blast atcks multiple foes at once straight ahead master lvl 20

Endure makes u heal on a rope and makes ur heal higher while standing/sitting (also does mp) master lvl 8

Iron body increases defense for a number of seconds

6) This is just the first part of my guide for warriors i will make the second part later (second part is about spearmans). Well this is just the first part ul know wat is the second part cause of the name (name will be second part of warrior guide- The spearman). Leave all comments and questions here il see u guys on the forum.(the second part also includes weapons)http://www.onrpg.com/boards/12557.html

Posts : 119
Join date : 2008-04-01

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