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Making a Luckless.

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Making a Luckless. Empty Making a Luckless.

Post  vmvznv Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:50 am

Making a Luckless.

This is pretty damn simple too.

Basically, roll your stats, and try to get the highest Int you can. All the other stats are pointless. Also, trying to 4 for str/dex/luk is a huge waste of time. If you have a whole lot of time on your hands and are a perfectionist, go for it. But there isn’t much reason to do so, as the few extra points in Int won’t do much. I suggest settling for a 9 or 10 beginning int.

And one more general creation rule: for the love of god and all that is good, pick an original name If it’s already been taken, don’t add random numbers and/or letters. It just looks stupid and shows that you have no creativity. And please, don’t put your ethnicity or class in your name. That also looks stupid and serves no point, cause no one cares (at least they shouldn’t)

Leveling a Luckless

Once again, also simple to do. Just follow this guide:

Level 2: 5 ap into Int
Level 3: 5 ap into Int
Level 4: 5 ap into Int
Level 5: 5 ap into Int
Repeat ad nauseam.

For those of you who still don’t get it, just put all your ap into Int each and every level.

As for skill point distribution, just use the same build as every other magician.

Where to Level? (1st Job)

Sadly, there isn’t much variation on leveling locations for Luckless magicians. You pretty much just follow the same pattern as any other mage would:

Levels 1-8: Maple Island on snails

Levels 8-10: Green snails are pretty good exp if you go to Thicket Around the Beach III (4th map outside of Lith). You should be able to ohk (one hit kill) em with bolt constantly. You might also be able to ohk blue snails.

Levels 11-20: Honestly, I can’t remember much about these levels. I suggest sticking to snails till you can 2-hit slimes with bolt. Stay there till you can ohk pigs, then train at the Rain Forest (2nd map east of Heneseys). Rain forest usually has much less people, and better spawn, than Pig Beach, which is why I recommend it. And anyways, I don’t remember staying here for much longer than 2 levels.

Levels 21-28: Normally this is where you’d start training on Horned Mushrooms, as you should easily be able to ohk them. However, I have a much better place to train: the end of Shumi’s 1st jump quest. Although I didn’t start here on my luckless till level 23, I’m pretty sure a luckless can ohk Bubblings at level 20/21. Although Bubblings only give 26 exp as opposed to Horned shrooms’ 35 exp, Bubblings make up for it in shear numbers. It’s pretty rare to find someone else training there and easy to find an empty channel, so you’ll have the whole place to yourself, while in the Ant Tunnels you’ll usually have to deal with ksers and people getting in your way. The spawn here is also much faster than at any place that has horned shrooms. Fast spawn plus the flat terrain means you can spam magic claw and almost never not kill a Bubbling, and you won’t have to spend any time moving from monster to monster because of the small space. I was easily able to level here in about 20-50 minutes. However, the exp kinda slows down at around level 28.

Once you’ve done Shumi’s 1st jump quest a few times and know your way around the place, you should be able to go through it in 5 min, so it’s not going to take any relevant time away from leveling. But remember to stock up on potions before you go, and don’t be afraid to use most of your money on pots, as you should be able to make all your money back through looting. Also, Bubbling drop some really good scrolls (10% dagger and 100% cape int), so you can sell those for a ton of money.

Level 29-30: Here’s where you should go back to the Ant tunnels (Ant Tunnel IV preferably. Just kill your way to the bottom, change channels, and repeat). Horned shrooms will still be a 1-hit kill, and Zombie shrooms will be 2-hit kills. At level 30, it’s time for your 2nd Job advancement

Choosing Your 2nd Job.

Choosing a second job as a luckless is no easier or harder than it is for a normal build magician. While no one class is significantly “better” than any other class as a luckless, any luckless class is significantly better than their normal counterparts. Like I said before, a Luckless wizard takes the best part of each class, and makes them better. As with any other class choice, don’t pick the one you’ve heard is “the best,” just pick the one you like the best and think you’ll have the most fun with. Anyways, here’s a short overview of the classes with pros & cons.

Fire Wizard:
Pros: Freaking powerful. Takes full advantage of the Luckless’s high magic. Tons of training places, even at lower levels.
Cons: Kinda boring. It’s just Fire Arrow Fire Arrow Fire Arrow... The big numbers are only cool for so long, then you take em for granted.

Poison Wizard:
Sorry, can’t tell you much about this one. Try it if you’re feeling adventurous.

Ice Wizard:
Pros: Freeze ability Can hunt Red Drakes for Steeleys around 5-10 levels before normal Ice Mages can. Pretty good if you want to fund another character.
Cons: Not many Ice weak creatures, so not too many places to level with an elemental advantage.

Lightning Wizard:
Pros: Best 2nd job mob spell available. Tons of numbers on the screen is always awesome. Uber fast exp; could probably train on Lorangs as early as level 40. Great for hunting new items.
Cons: Pretty weak for a while. Limited training places. Tears through pots like there’s no tomorrow.

Pros: Avoids the problem of low def with heal.
Cons: Weakest of the classes, and doesn’t exploit its high int as well as the others. Limited training places. http://www.onrpg.com/boards/92.html

Posts : 119
Join date : 2008-04-01

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Making a Luckless. Empty Re: Making a Luckless.

Post  Shumi Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:55 am

Once you’ve done Shumi’s 1st jump quest a few times and know your way around the place, you should be able to go through it in 5 min, so it’s not going to take any relevant time away from leveling. But remember to stock up on potions before you go, and don’t be afraid to use most of your money on pots, as you should be able to make all your money back through looting. Also, Bubbling drop some really good scrolls (10% dagger and 100% cape int), so you can sell those for a ton of money.


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Making a Luckless. Empty Re: Making a Luckless.

Post  Lorangs Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:55 am

Pros: Best 2nd job mob spell available. Tons of numbers on the screen is always awesome. Uber fast exp; could probably train on Lorangs as early as level 40. Great for hunting new items.
Cons: Pretty weak for a while. Limited training places. Tears through pots like there’s no tomorrow.


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Making a Luckless. Empty Re: Making a Luckless.

Post  signific Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:56 am

Choosing a second job as a luckless is no easier or harder than it is for a normal build magician. While no one class is significantly “better” than any other class as a luckless, any luckless class is significantly better than their normal counterparts. Like I said before, a Luckless wizard takes the best part of each class, and makes them better. As with any other class choice, don’t pick the one you’ve heard is “the best,” just pick the one you like the best and think you’ll have the most fun with. Anyways, here’s a short overview of the classes with pros & cons.


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Making a Luckless. Empty Re: Making a Luckless.

Post  shrooms Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:56 am

Normally this is where you’d start training on Horned Mushrooms, as you should easily be able to ohk them. However, I have a much better place to train: the end of Shumi’s 1st jump quest. Although I didn’t start here on my luckless till level 23, I’m pretty sure a luckless can ohk Bubblings at level 20/21. Although Bubblings only give 26 exp as opposed to Horned shrooms’ 35 exp, Bubblings make up for it in shear numbers.


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