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Post  wtzvd Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:29 am

Guild Participation
At least six (6) of the eight (Cool members of a guild's team in a monthly GvG automated tournament must have been a member of that guild for at least fourteen (14) full days prior to the announced start time of that tournament in order for the guild to compete. The other two (2) members of the team must be members of that guild but do not have to meet the fourteen (14) day requirement.

Guilds may have different players compete in subsequent rounds but the same rule listed above applies. Only the eight (Cool guild members who competed in the first round will collect any earned Tournament Reward Points.

A guild must have at least six (6) human players available to play during a match (in which case the guild may also use two (2) computer-controlled henchmen or Heroes). If a guild is unable to field at least six (6) human players, then that guild forfeits the battle.

Any guild officer can register a guild for an automated tournament using the Guild Battle button and selecting the Register for Tournament option from the list of possible guild battle types. Five (5) tournament tokens will be deducted from the inventory of the officer who is registering the guild in the tournament.

Each tournament token costs 1,000 Balthazar faction points. You may purchase these tournament tokens from the Tournament NPC who appears in every guild hall as well as in the Great Temple of Balthazar and the Hero Battles arena.

1v1 Participation
The same rules and restrictions apply as in the daily 1v1 Tournaments.

Season Structure
Each month of the 2008 Tournament Series is a "season". The seasons consist of a number of daily Swiss competition-based tournaments in which guilds (for GvG) or individuals (for 1v1) can participate. The number of registered participants determines the number of rounds for each tournament.

The K rating for Daily Automated Tournaments is 25. See Appendix B — Elo Ratings.

Automated GvG tournaments have a maximum of 32 participating guilds per event, with a maximum of five (5) rounds of Swiss competition.

Automated 1v1 tournaments have a maximum of 128 participants per event, with a maximum of seven (7) rounds of Swiss competition.

When more than 32 guilds or 128 individuals register for a specific automated tournament, additional copies of that tournament are created. Each copy has a minimum number of participants: eight (Cool for 1v1 and five (5) for GvG. The copies have no more than the previously stated maximums. Thus it is possible, with a large number of participants, for several copies of a tournament to run simultaneously.

Each tournament and its copies offer the same prize opportunities.

The rounds of Swiss competition for each tournament take place consecutively one after another until a tournament ends. A list showing the tournament standings and the pairings for the upcoming round is available in-game for participants and fans to see.

All rounds are single battle matches.

Each round ends with one participant as the winner. In the event that a GvG match lasts to the time limit without a clear winner, the team whose Guild Lord has the higher current Health will be declared the winner of the match.

For all automated tournaments (GvG and 1v1), all participants are randomly seeded for the first round.

Each subsequent Swiss round pairs participants randomly against opponents with matching win/loss records.

Participants who forfeit a match for any reason are dropped from the remainder of the automated tournament. They still collect all prizes or rewards they have already earned.

At the end of the rounds of Swiss competition for each tournament, all participants may earn Tournament Reward Points (TRPs) and/or qualifier points (QPs) based upon their final rank in the tournament. In the event of any ties, these tie-breakers are used in the following order to determine final standings: match points earned, opponent's match-win percentage, and tournament ladder rank (captured at the start of the tournament). See Appendix A — Match Scoring and Tie Breakers.

At the end of each season, all guilds and individuals who have earned sufficient QPs are invited to participate in the appropriate end-of-season championship. http://www.guildwars.com/competitive/tournament2008/rules.php

Posts : 84
Join date : 2008-04-01

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