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Post  wtzvd Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:30 am

Playoff Structure
Playoffs are open only to guilds and players who earned sufficient QPs in the current season.

In addition to increased Tournament Reward Points, guilds and players who finish high enough earn real-world prizes that will be mailed to them.

The K rating for the Monthly Playoffs is 50. See Appendix B — Elo Rating.

The last qualifier tournament for a format starts no less than eight (Cool hours prior to the posted start time for that format's playoffs (GvG or 1v1).

Daily tournaments for the next monthly season begin no sooner than twelve (12) hours after the start of the monthly playoffs for that format (GvG or 1v1).

GvG Playoffs Participation
A guild must have earned at least 20 QPs during the monthly season to be eligible for the monthly GvG playoffs.

All of the participation rules listed under Guild Participation in the MONTHLY AUTOMATED TOURNAMENTS section above apply.

At the end of the rounds of Swiss competition, the top sixteen (16) guilds continue in single elimination play to determine the final standings for the playoffs.

1v1 Playoffs Participation
A player must have earned at least 20 QPs during the monthly season to be eligible for the monthly 1v1 playoffs.

All of the participation rules listed under 1v1 Participation in the DAILY AUTOMATED TOURNAMENTS section above apply.

At the end of the rounds of Swiss competition, the top two to sixteen (2–16) players continue in single elimination play to determine the final standings for the playoffs. The number of players who advance to the single elimination round is determined by the number of non-forfeited players at the end of the tournament.


Monthly Playoff matches take place during the last weekend of each month as listed below.Season Start Date Playoff Date Playoff Start Time
April March 30 (GvG)
March 31 (1v1) April 26 (GvG)
April 27 (1v1) 16:00 GMT
May April 27 (GvG)
April 28 (1v1) May 24 (GvG)
May 25 (1v1) 16:00 GMT
June May 25 (GvG)
May 26 (1v1) June 28 (GvG)
June 29 (1v1) 16:00 GMT
July June 29 (GvG)
June 30 (1v1) July 26 (GvG)
July 27 (1v1) 16:00 GMT
August July 27 (GvG)
July 28 (1v1) August 30 (GvG)
August 31 (1v1) 16:00 GMT
September August 31 (GvG)
September 1 (1v1) September 27 (GvG)
September 28 (1v1) 16:00 GMT
October September 28 (GvG)
September 29 (1v1) October 25 (GvG)
October 26 (1v1) 16:00 GMT
November October 26 (GvG)
October 27 (1v1) November 29 (GvG)
November 30 (1v1) 16:00 GMT
December November 30 (GvG)
December 1 (1v1) December 20 (GvG)
December 21 (1v1) 16:00 GMT

Each month's GvG championship takes place on a Saturday as listed in the chart above, and each 1v1 championship takes place on the Sunday as listed above.

Tournament Fan Support
The Xunlai Tournament House allows PvP fans to earn their own Tournament Reward Points by predicting the top eight finishers for the monthly GvG and 1v1 championships.

Each match played in the single elimination rounds is automatically marked as a Championship match and shows up in a separate championship column in Observer Mode. For extra fan enjoyment, these matches are available in Observer Mode for a longer period of time.

Tournament Prizes
At the end of the playoffs, the eligible participants receive their earned Tournament Reward Points.

All guilds that have earned a cape trim receive it within three (3) days of the completion of the playoffs.

Guild leaders of the guilds that have earned any real-world prizes in the GvG playoffs will be contacted by email within one (1) week to collect the names, email addresses, and mailing addresses of the eight (Cool participating members of the guild who will receive a real-world prize. A guild's leader has the final say on which eight (Cool members of the guild collect any earned real-world prizes. Only guild members who played in the tournament are eligible for prizes.

Individual players who have earned any real-world prizes in the 1v1 Playoffs will be contacted by email within one (1) week in order to collect their names and mailing addresses.

All players who have earned a real-world prize will be contacted by email to complete and submit a Declaration of Eligibility and Liability Release before their prizes can be processed.

If you have won a real-world prize and have not heard from ArenaNet after one (1) week has passed since the playoffs, please email tournament@arena.net so that we can begin to process any earned real-world prizes.

Please allow 6–8 weeks for the processing and shipping of earned real-world prizes.

Questions about prizes or updated shipping addresses can be emailed to tournament@arena.net.

ArenaNet will provide real world prizes for the 2008 Tournament Series Championships through April 2008, the three year anniversary of Guild Wars, and will then offer exclusive and never-before-seen in-game prizes for the remainder of 2008. http://www.guildwars.com/competitive/tournament2008/rules.php

Posts : 84
Join date : 2008-04-01

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