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Modified water ele gvg build, Now with more lightning

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Modified water ele gvg build, Now with more lightning Empty Modified water ele gvg build, Now with more lightning

Post  jeunfb Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:28 pm

A modified water elementalist build with a bit more spike capability. It is entirely experimental again, so it needs testing and likely further modification or off to the scrap heap if it doesn't work.


16 water
13 ES
3 Restoration

Elemental Attunement [E]
Water Attunement
Glyph of Concentration
Deep Freeze
Shard Storm
Glowing Ice
Ice Spear
Flesh of my Flesh


16 water

Shatterstone [E]
Water Attunement
Blurred Vision
Ice Spikes
Glowing Ice
Ice Spear
Res Sig


16 water

Water Trident [E]
Water Attunement
Deep Freeze
Freezing Gust
Glowing Ice
Rust (cover hex)
Res Sig.

Lightning Spikers x 2


16 air
8 water

Air Attunement
Rust // Freezing Gust
Ride the Lightning [E]
Lightning Touch
Lightning Javelin
Arc Lightning
GoLE (tested this with Glyph of Concentration and it seemed to work out pretty well, this may be a better choice)
Res Sig. (with GoC, maybe put Flesh in here too)

Icy Shackles water ele flagger

Grasping Earth monks with WoH and SoD

I tried to compartmentalize better what each ele has to do to make it easier. The water eles need to concentrate on keeping water hexes up and keeping the other team moving slowly, especially melee toons (along with the monks using grasping earth.) The lightning spikers use Rust when available (if necessary) on a 60 AL target and then Ride the Lightning in followed by Lightning Touch (extra damage while foe is under the effects of a water hex.) Follow up with Arc and Lit. Touch as needed. RtL causes exhaustion, so the spikes need to be well coordinated and used long enough to pile up some DP (hopefully) and make them retreat. The hard rezzer on the opposing team has to be found and killed early and often. Exhaustion will wear us out before we can make them retreat if we don't kill the hard rezzer and keep him down.

One RtL spiker can unload 278 damage on a 60 AL target in a couple of seconds and 417 damage on a 60 AL target in about 4 seconds. That's very slow, which is why there are two of them. That's 556 damage on a 60 AL target in a couple of seconds, but 836 damage in about 4 seconds. It will take some coordination and countdown spiking from the RtL eles, and ideally someone else keeping track of and calling water hex targets for our defense. Monks need to be proactive with Grasping Earth.

It could be fun. It is all theory though, so it also may not work. No mesmer, no interrupts, no enchantment removal. Just slow hexes and lightning spiking.

Ed http://www.theamazonbasin.com/gw/forums/index.php?showtopic=9484

Posts : 101
Join date : 2008-04-01

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