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A Melandru Dervish flag runner / ganker – Opinions needed

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A Melandru Dervish flag runner / ganker – Opinions needed Empty A Melandru Dervish flag runner / ganker – Opinions needed

Post  saeimc Sun Apr 13, 2008 12:23 am

I flagged in two games this weekend with my melandru dervish and I started to like it, though he wasn’t actually set for this (no self heal for instance). I think this build has potential (heard versions are used in high GvG) and I was thinking about fine tuning a runner/ganker/antiganker (RGA from now on )setup.

First, lets be clear that a RGA potentially has a lot of functions and no build will probably fill them all – it will probably be a trade off. Let’s list (some of) these functions :

a) Fast transport a flag to the flagstand. Being capable of a final sprint through enemy hate (hopefuly with team support)
Fighting (and winning) one vs one battles with enemy RGAs – most popular builds are E/Mo with blinds, storm djinn and maybe water hexes, Cripshot Rangers, Yaahoos (« You’re all alone warriors ») and flying A/Me with condition spikes.
c) On the ganker side - Capable of entering the enemy base without a thief and fast winning battles against ½ NPCs (mostly archers) – Capacity to kill a Bodyguard/Knight is a bonus
d) Capable to help his team at flagstand, offensively or defensively.

Now let’s see my suggested skills. Avatar of Melandru and Wearying strike sound like a must. While all RGAs take a self condition remover you can apply DW back quite fast. On the scythe side, add Victorious sweep (fast recharge and self heal). Those two scythe skills are all you actually need damage wise.
A speed boost is also required – I’m hesitating between Pious Haste and Dash…Pious covers more a lot more time but it removes your top enchant…tricky one.

If you want the potential to gank a base, IMO the assassin secondary is a must. I suggest Dark prison as teleporting skill for you dont need it more than once per minute anyway and could also slow a kiting E/mo for a while.

The self heal part is the trickyest. If you dont want to put points in earth or wind you have to stick with Faithful intervention / Watchful intervention – those are not that great. On the Earth prayers line, there is the obvious Vital boon/Signet of pious light combo yet on the Wind prayers side you have Pious restoration, a dervish’s only way to clear hexes. Not sure about this but a combo Watchful intervention + another enchant (Heart of fury if you’re going to use it or maybe an Aegis/Orders from a party member) followed by Pious restoration would look like a better way to heal yourself.

Lets see what we have so far :

Dervish / Assassin

Mysticism – 12 probably for I doubt you can go with 15. The avvie duration is a bit shorter and will take more care in use
Scythe – around 12
Deadly arts – 4 or 7
Earth or Wind, depending on the self heal combo – around 10

1. Avatar of Melandru (Elite)
2. Wearying strike
3. Victorious sweep
4. running skill – probably Pious Haste
5. Dark Prison
6. optional Watchful intervention
7. optional Heart of fury
8. optional Pious restoration

Self heal is actually the least important part. In a 1vs1 battle you should not have major issues as damage go while in1 vs 3-4 – you better run away like any RGA does Therefore the last 3 slots are kinda flexible. Pious restoration brings the antihex dimension but thats really optional. Watchful and pious restoration could be enough for out of battle heals - the 2 enchants combo should only be used for hexes.

A speed attack boost (heart of fury probably) sounds necesarry but I guess only for killing a self healing target. Otherwise the regular DPS from scythe attacks are usually enough to get a kill in 1 vs 1.

I’m waiting for your comments. http://www.theamazonbasin.com/gw/forums/index.php?showtopic=7114

Posts : 133
Join date : 2008-04-01

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