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[BUILD] Premades Pwn!(tm), for 'casual with build' GvG

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[BUILD] Premades Pwn!(tm), for 'casual with build' GvG Empty [BUILD] Premades Pwn!(tm), for 'casual with build' GvG

Post  saeimc Sun Apr 13, 2008 12:44 am

Bunnz and I have been planning to make a build around the various premades available for a looong time, but we never got around to it. Having such a build available is very good, since even if someone has just bought the game they can easily pick one of the premades and still do a decent job with the build. Considering that Bunnz is a slothful aussie, I went ahead on my own.

I decided to go for dual warrior, one AoE damager, one snarer (to help the warriors), a flagger, and the standard three monk backline. The build should be simple enough for anyone to play. It's possible to call from any damage position, but the snarer is probably best suited to do so simply because the snares will always then hit at the right time.

First listed is the 'preferred' build, if the player has every skill available. After that comes the premade build intended for the slot. The optimal and premade roles (although not the skills) are the same, to allow premades to function alongside 'preferred' characters. If someone can't quite make the preferred build, but has better unlocks than what the premade allows, an individual decision about how to build the character can be held. This is just to create a baseline that will allow us to simpy grab anyone and still function as a team.

Build critique is welcome, but the majority of suggestions will be slowly implemented after testing, if at all. I am fully aware that this is not an optimal setup - but that's fine with me. As long as we have something that is easy to play, fun to play, and reasonable effective, I'm happy enough.

Without further ado - here's the build!


Premades Pwn!™

Damager: Axe Warrior with Shock
W/E: Strength: 10 (9+1) / Axe Mastery: 16 (12+1+3) / Air Magic: 9
Eviscerate* / Disrupting Chop / Executioner's Strike / Shock / Frenzy / Sprint / Wild Blow / Resurrection Signet

Comments: A straight up DPS character with excellent spike capabilities, the axe warrior needs to mange frenzy and sprint right to get the most use out of her excellent damage dealing. As long as you're not being targeted, use frenzy whenever in melee range to deal more damage and charge the adrenaline up. Use the adrenaline skills as appropriate; I find that I get the most effect by charging to full adrenaline, Gale/Shock'ing the target, triggering frenzy and then unleashing a Eviscerate->Executioner's Strike->Wild Blow combo.

-Use Gale to stop and catch runners or interrupt key enemy skills. If you gale a target, your warrior colleague can beat on it while you're in aftercast.
-Frenzy needs to be managed carefully if you're not to incur more damage than your monks can handle. If you suddently get targeted, use Sprint to break the frenzy stance and regain your full armor rating.
-If the enemy uses an important stance, weigh the value of your current adrenaline and use Wild Blow if ridding the stance is more important than the strikes you've collected.

1: Furious PvP Axe of Defense (stance) // PvP Shield (stance)
2: Furious PvP Axe of Defense (stance) // PvP Air Focus +15/-1
3: Ebony PvP Axe of Defense (Stance) // PvP Shield (stance)
4: Ebony PvP Axe of Defense (Stance) // PvP Air Focus +15/-1

Differing skills from PALADIN: Eviscerate*, Disrupting Chop, Executioner’s Strike, Shock, Frenzy, Wild Blow

Alternative configuration - PREMADE "Paladin"

Damager: Axe with Gale
W/E: Strength: 10 (9+1) / Axe Mastery: 16 (12+1+3) / Air Magic: 9
Eviscerate* / Disrupting Chop / Executioner's Strike / Gale / Frenzy / Sprint / Wild Blow / Resurrection Signet

Differing skills from PALADIN: Eviscerate*, Disrupting Chop, Executioner’s Strike, Gale, Frenzy, Wild Blow

Comments: A straight up DPS character with excellent spike capabilities, the axe warrior needs to mange frenzy and sprint right to get the most use out of her excellent damage dealing. As long as you're not being targeted, use frenzy whenever in melee range to deal more damage and charge the adrenaline up. Use the adrenaline skills as appropriate; I find that I get the most effect by charging to full adrenaline, Gale/Shock'ing the target, triggering frenzy and then unleashing a Eviscerate->Executioner's Strike->Wild Blow combo.

-Use Gale to stop and catch runners or interrupt key enemy skills. If you gale a target, your warrior colleague can beat on it while you're in aftercast.
-Frenzy needs to be managed carefully if you're not to incur more damage than your monks can handle. If you suddently get targeted, use Sprint to break the frenzy stance and regain your full armor rating.
-If the enemy uses an important stance, weigh the value of your current adrenaline and use Wild Blow if ridding the stance is more important than the strikes you've collected.

1: Furious PvP Axe of Defense (stance) // PvP Shield (stance)
2: Furious PvP Axe of Defense (stance) // PvP Air Focus +15/-1
3: Ebony PvP Axe of Defense (Stance) // PvP Shield (stance)
4: Ebony PvP Axe of Defense (Stance) // PvP Air Focus +15/-1

Alternative configuration 1 - 'Closer to Pre-made'
W/Mo: Strength: 11 (10+1) / Swordsmanship: 16 (12+1+3) /Tactics: 9 (8+1)
Sever Artery / Seeking Blade / Galrath Slash / Final Thrust / Sprint / Frenzy / "Charge!"* / Resurrection Signet

Differing skills from PALADIN: Seeking Blade, Frenzy, “Charge!”*

Alternative configuration 2 - PREMADE "Paladin"

Damager: Fire AoE
E/Me: Energy Storage: 11 (10+1) / Fire Magic: 16 (12+1+3) / Inspiration Magic: 8
Glyph of Energy* / Immolate / Fireball / Rodgort's Invocation / Inciendiary Bonds / Fire Attunement / Mantra of Resolve / Resurrection Signet

Comments: The primary AoE damager of the team. Massive fire damage - which will actually land thanks to the mantra. The firemaster requires battlefield awareness to determine where to best place the attacks. If the caller calls the left-wing of a three-warrior trio, choosing to land you AoE on the center will deal 33% more damage.

-Always keep the Mantra of Resolve and the Fire Attunement up.
-Try to always Glyph the Rodgort's invocation. They've the same recharge time, and saving 15 energy every 15 seconds means almost doubling your effective mana pool.
-Incienadry Bonds instantly followd by a fireball deals a nice 200-damage punch compounded by burning damage. If you start chain the cast, the fireball should land almost the same time as the incendiary bond triggers.
-If a running target needs a quick finisher, Immolate is the way to go. It doesn't require line of sight, it casts quickly and it's an instant hit.

Differing skills from PYROMANCER: Glyph of Energy*, Incendiary Bonds, Mantra of Resolve, Immolate

Alternative configuration - PREMADE "Pyromancer"

Damage assist: Snares (Excellent caller position)
E/N: Energy Storage: 9 (8+1) / Water Magic: 15 (11+1+3) / Earth Magic: 11 (10+1) / Curses: 6
Water Trident* / Ice Spikes / Ward Against Melee / Ward Against Foes / Glyph of Lesser Energy / Rend Enchantments / Water Attunement / Resurrection Signet


Differing skills from ICE BLIGTHER: Ward Against Melee, Ward Against Foes

Alternative configuration - PREMADE "Ice Blighter"

Flagger: Crippling Bastard Ranger
R/Mo: Expertise: 14 (11+3) / Wilderness Survival: 12 (10+1+1) / Marksmanship: 11 (10+1)
Crippling Shot */ Savage Shot / Distracting Shot / Hunter's Shot / Apply Poison / Dodge / Storm Chaser / Troll Unguent


Differing skills from IVEX TRAPPER: Crippling Shot*, Savage Shot, Apply Poison, Dodge, Hunter's Shot

Alternative configuration - PREMADE "IVEX Trapper"

Healer 1: Closer to premade
Mo/N: Divine Favor: 14 (11+3) / Healing Prayers: 12 (10+1+1) / Blood Magic: 10
Orison of Healing / Heal Party / Heal Other / Healing Touch / Holy Veil / Healing Seed / Offering of Blood* / Convert


Differing Skills from FI BOONER: Holy Veil, Heal Party, Healing Seed, Convert Hexes

Alternative configuration - PREMADE "Fi Booner"

Healer 2: WoH and Infuse
Mo/N: Divine Favor: 15 (12+3) / Healing Prayers: 14 (12+1+1) / Protection Prayers: 4 (3+1)
Orison of Healing / Word of Healing / Signet of Devotion / Infuse Health / Healing Touch / Draw Conditions / Holy Veil / Healing Seed


Differing skills from FI BOONER: Word of Healing*, Signet of Devotion, Holy Veil, Draw Conditions, Healing Seed

Alternative configuration - PREMADE "Fi Booner"

Protection monk: RC Aegis
Mo/Me: Divine Favor: 15 (11+1+3) / Protection Prayers: 11 (10+1) / Inspiration Magic: 10
Reversal of Fortune / Restore Condition / Protective Spirit / Guardian / Inspired Hex / Holy Veil / Aegis / Drain Enchantment


Differing Skills from PROTECTION HEALER: Restore Condition*, Inspired Hex, Holy Veil, Aegis, Drain Enchantment

Alternative configuration - PREMADE "Protection Healer" http://www.theamazonbasin.com/gw/forums/index.php?showtopic=4531

Posts : 133
Join date : 2008-04-01

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