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Group Builds, Ideas

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Group Builds, Ideas Empty Group Builds, Ideas

Post  sznnp Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:04 am

We have been doing fairly well with the GvG, even though our group build is just whomever shows up. I'd like to propose for us to try out some group builds, or at least give a consideration to them as ideas. I will start and use a very basic and popular build.

Snappy Name Here

Group 1, 3 players--Tha Healers

1 BIP Necro/monk- This character provides mana for the healers and for the elementalists when healing energy is not needed.

2 Healers Mon/ele, Mon/necro, or Mo/mes. The primary role of these characters is healing and buffing. Their secondary class helps with debuffing (mes, necro, ele), more mana (necro), or more direct damage (ele).

Group 2, 3 players--Tha Bombs

3 Elementalists - The key here is that these three will be the offensive backbone of the party. One of these characters will call targets and the other two will follow suit. The best secondary class will be mesmer in order to hex while destroying. HExes have proven especially henious in PvP. One of the things I noticed in the GvG was that when the Warriors called targets, sometimes they called a Warrior with whom they have engaged to stop them from getting to the healers. That is why I propose a shift. Another option for a secondary class is ranger (note that the pri/sec class can be reversed--ie ran/ele--just so long as the role of the player is taken into account). Rangers have good damage, good versatility, and some interesting debuffing (pin down, silence, interrupt).

Group 3, 2 players -- Tha Meat

2 Warriors -- The primary role of these characters is to create chaos. They will see the target called and will go strait for the target, knowing that with 3 healers, the elementalists are safe. Once that first target is down, The warriors can have free reign to follow the next target, to go after an enemy spellcaster, or whatever. The importance of these characters comes in a retreat. Usually a retreat is called when too many monks are dead. Well, the warrior's job is to come back and start wailing on the enemy warriors so that the elementalists and monks can regroup. Better a dead warrior that can be ressed than a dead monk.


Aside from what I have outlined above, my interest is in finding a simple build. Also, I really wanted to try a BIP necro, so I thought of this build. It doesn't substantially differ from any of the builds out there, but the move to 3 ele/me instead of 2 will help that first rush to overpower the other team and get our flag planted. The monks can buff the warriors before each rush, and then get to healing in the thick of things. Its all a very basic build. But having played two competitive sports at the provincial and national level one thing remained constant--good fundamentals. With this build we can practice with our roles and then when those are sound, we can adjust as we see fit. I just saw another group build of all necros... but they only tried this after a good time using a build like that above.

Any other group build ideas? http://www.theamazonbasin.com/gw/forums/index.php?showtopic=347

Posts : 42
Join date : 2008-04-03

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