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Friday Fun - a new GvG event

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Friday Fun - a new GvG event Empty Friday Fun - a new GvG event

Post  sznnp Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:07 am

New GVG Event - Friday Fun

The discussions in another thread have been conclusive - there is a need for some sort of organised GvG inside the main guilds. I've assumed the task to organise this. This event will be held on Friday evenings (US time) hoping to make it easier for people around the world to participate.

This event is not intended to be a casual introduction to GvG event - for that you have the GvG wednesday which works perfectly. It's an event where people are oriented towards winning (while respecting, of course, the values the Basin promotes). Therefore, there will be a planned build, a designated leader, and specific requirments (skill unlocks to fit the build, TS, game discipline). PvP experience on the build you are going to play is a plus.

I'll insist on one special thing though: respect for other people's time. We'll probably have basiners from across the oceans ruining their sleep to participate. One of the things everyone hates in GvG is when you have to wait for 20 minutes for someone who said "brb in 5" or who suddenly decided to rebuild.

So far have expressed interest for the first edition of the Friday Fun event (to be held tommorow 13 october, at 22-22.30 EST (that's 3-3.30 GMT) ) - guild AB4 :

- Lyne
- Pax
- Bunnz
- Manacraft (possibly)
- Filla Busta
- Life
- Svata
- Ed
- Earendil

People from the list please confirm your presence (and others should sign up too).

Of course, people showing up on site will be accepted as subs - basin like inclusiveness. The rule for subs is: signed people have priority at start and in general. Subs are included, if they can efficiently play a toon from the build, based on a rotation mechanism. There will be as little "rebuild" time as possible.

Let's talk build now

From my experiences (and what I've read and heard on the forum) some of the most successful moments in Basin competitive GvG were linked to spike builds: the gerbils geospikers, the dead ranger spike, the AotB rainbow spike. Even the BoTV were spiking at some point if I remember well.

Spike builds have the major advantage of capitalising on our great social skills and discipline while on the other hand lead to individual frustration (see Whams who said he'll never play obs flame spike again ). We'll handle player frustration later.

Right now, the build I'm going to suggest for this Friday will be an almost exact copy of the Gerbil Earth Spikers - wished I still had access to the old forums for I don't remember exactly the specs yet here it is what I can recall

This is the proposed build for this event. Keep in mind that :

a) – I’m not really familiar with Factions PvP skills
– the numbers for attributes are approximates.

I strongly suggest making PvP chars. PvE are accepted only if you really know what you’re doing.

2x El/Me Spikers Drainer, 16 earth, 10-11 energy storage, some points in the adequate mesmer attribute ABSOLUTELY NO FAST CAST GEAR! NEVER!

1. Glyph of Energy*
2. Obsidian Flame
3. Earthquake
4. Eruption
5. Stone Daggers
6. Drain Enchant
7 .Mantra of Resolve
8. Res Sig

2x El/Me Spikers Warders 16 earth, 10-11 energy storage, some points in the adequate mesmer attribute ABSOLUTELY NO FAST CAST GEAR! NEVER!

1. Glyph of Energy*
2. Obsidian Flame
3. Earthquake
4. Eruption
5. Ward v Foes/stability
6. Ward v Melee
7. Mantra of Resolve
8. Res Sig

1x El/Mo Flag runner 16 earth, some energy storage and some points in protection for Aegis and mend ailment. – maybe even some in healing. A staff with longer enchant time for Aegis.

1. Glyph of Energy*
2. Obsidian Flame
3. Aegis
4. Mend Ailment
5. Ward v Foes
6. Ward v Melee
7. support/self heal skill
8. Hard resurrect

I’ll give this position to Bunnz, so I’ll leave it to his judgement on how to twink it. Basically the flagger has to run the flag (preferably with the whole team and not alone), to help with the spike (especially at start) chain Aegis to cover the bonds and support defence when capable with wards. Nothing more

1 x Mo/Me Barrier keeper 12 protection, 11 Divine favor, rest in inspiration.

1. Life Barrier *
2. Blessed signet
3. Mantra of inscriptions
4. Holy veil – to be used also as cover enchant for the monks.
5. Aegis
6. Protective Spirit
7. Inspire hex/guardian
8. Mend ailment

1 x premade Blessed light monk (variations allowed - does the main healing and some condition/hex control

1 x Boon Prot (not exactly premade since CoP is out of the question). However Mantra of recall is good for covering enchants. Does mostly protection and condition control. Healing is secondary since barriers should make it easier.

I encourage participating people to sign in this thread and also specify any time limits and characters they feel like playing.

I’m going to change the Guild Hall in AB4 this evening. The fire map has 2 major advantages: it’s meant for spiking and the games on it are rather short.

Thx for any input. http://www.theamazonbasin.com/gw/forums/index.php?showtopic=6746

Posts : 42
Join date : 2008-04-03

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