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Kornelia Template - Int Spear Lightning Nuker My V

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Kornelia Template - Int Spear Lightning Nuker My V Empty Kornelia Template - Int Spear Lightning Nuker My V

Post  adeehe Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:17 am

Weapon: Spear
The highest magical damage weapon available, before you cast your nuke hit your enchant and your weapon's magical damage has an effect on your damage output, spear will provide you with the hardest hitting nukes avaiable in the game.


Garment: Run 20% Faster Save 20% on your mana costs, your big bomb nukes are very mana costly so garment helps, but you're a total glass cannon vs Str builds, which is where the 20% runspeed increase will help. Garment may save you against another nuker due to it's high magical resistance so if you can both normally 1 shot kill each other you may get away with a bit of health after the bombs go off if you're wearing garment nuker vs nuker.

Your best targets will be armor or protector wearing builds you will kill anything around your level with 1 nuke if you use a rage+imbue+bigbomb

The worst target you can probably pick is a garment wearing str build because their garment will gimp your nuke and they have enough health to survive 2-3 nukes from you, and if you're even dreaming of getting a second big bomb off wake up you'll get 1 shot killed by a soul spear or cut up by a blade combination before the second nuke releases.

Protector: I really love protector because 10% runspeed increase and 10% mana cost decrease is alright, not as good as garment's efficiency, but you do get a descent amount of magical and physical resistance both ways, although you don't excel either way.

Armor: It's ok to wear armor it may even be a good idea depending on your playstyle. If you wanna survive a face to face with an strength build armor will keep you alive long enough to drop a second bomb, or give you enough time to pot up and run away. Second bombs might be needed to kill a strength build depending on level and if you have a rage handy. Besides if you're training the lightning line you're sure to train up your runspeed to balance the slow runspeed of armor.

XxX Heuksal - Do not train any books not listed here. XxX

Soul Spear (Optional) - Stun Effect, but long charge (the time it takes before it hits) I am not fond of this skill with int builds because of this reason. My opinion if you're into soul spear do an str build coz this skill's stun is very good, but you have to be able to tank it out while it charges. Int builds using this will have problems in a fast paced pvp situation.

Ghost Spear Petal (Max) - Insta cast area effect.
A great finishing move not as much damage as str build petal move, but if you use your imbue along with this you'll hit pretty hard. A good finisher if you're big bomb + Lion shout doesn't do the job already and they are in melee range.

Cheolsam Force (Max) - You're an int build, your hp pool sucks, this will help alot.

Damage Output Ideas:
Hit your lightning imbue first then
Open with Big Bomb Wolf's Thunderbolt

Follow Up with Lion Shout (Insta cast half damage mini bomb)
Make a decision to run or stay
If you think your target doesn't have much health left.
Finish up with Ghost Spear Petal when they reach melee range.
Otherwise run your ass off, and go back to step 1

XxX Lightning - Do not train any books not listed here. XxX
Thunder Tiger Force Imbue - Lowers target's dodge ratio allowing you to deal with your maximum damage more often.

Warning: Lightning Imbue, Lightning Bomb, Lightning Mini Bomb all have splash damage, so if you're targeting something and other creatures are around it, they will all rush you. You have to be very careful when fighting monsters that are strong to not have them zerg you because you splashed them with you're skills, this is why some people opt for the fire or ice nuke instead. Although having the lightning splash has it's advantages, for instance if you're fighting a giant and other small mobs start to mob you, just ignore them and let the splash damage take care of them for you. Or if you see a roadblock of newbie theives on the road put on your hunter suit and slaughter them before they realize what happened.

Sidenote: Lightning along with the effect vs Fire having a higher base damage comes out almost even in damage, the advantage to learning the lightning line is having the self buff must piercing force which gives you a harder nuke vs fire if they didn't learn must piercing.

Grass Wind Flow - Faster Runspeed very addictive
Book 1 makes you run very fast, and even faster if you're wearing garment.
Book 2 gives you a short teleport which some people either find useful or useless depending on their playstyle. Most people don't know how to use this, but here's a quick explanation - Point your cursor in the general direction you want a boost towards and then hit the skill you will zoom to that direction, level 1 is a very short distance, if you're thinking about using this skill i suggest you max it out to be able to use it to it's full effect.
Book 3 - Who needs horses? Makes you run hellafast if you ever get to this book you'll be flying.

Shock Lion Shout - The mini nuke
It casts very quick and deals around half the damage of your big bomb, i recommend this highly, if you're bomb doesn't take out your target this follow up skill usually does. (Warning: Has Splash Damage)

Concentration (Optional) - Self buff increase parry ratio this will help you avoid being hit by monster or player max damage values.

Wolf's Thunderbolt - Ah the bread and butter of this build it hits very hard and will help you level fast, once you get this skill you'll notice you're not taking as much health pots with you and your bag is full of mana pots. it cost alot of mana. Some people think this build is costly I think you save on health pots and buy more mana pots so it's the same. You should be able to 1 shot kill alot of monsters once you have this, if they're not dead you follow up with shock lion shot and they're toast.

Heaven's Force Parry ration increase (Optional) - Same as concentration except you don't have to cast it, it's passive.

Optional Training (Train these last if you have the points)

XxX Optional Sub Force Ice - This whole mastery line is optional
Ice passive and self buff gives physical defense.
Your an int build and lacking natural physical defense, this may balance you out.

Cold Wave Arrest - Level 1 single target Frostbite requires level 12 ice mastery
What's more annoying than a nuker that runs faster than you kiting you over and over? A nuker that's snaring you on top of it all.

XxX Optional Sub Force Fire - This whole mastery line is optional

Question: Why fire?
Answer: Well fire has the highest base damage.

Lightning nuke is suppose to be the hardest hitting nuke due to lightning line's self buff Must Piercing Force

Idea: Fire Nuke (higher base damage) + Must Piercing force = an even harder nuke.

That's why some people nuke with fire although traditionally this mastery is a str build favorite.

XxX Optional Sub Force Pancheon - This whole mastery line is optional

White hawk summon level 1
You must save an item slot for any type of bow to make this work.
Equipt the bow cast the spell, bang you have a white hawk following you around increases your attack rating by 9

Mind Concentration level 1 passive attack rating 9 increase

For a grand total of 19 more attack rating.

Hey for the amount of points you use just to get these 2 books to level 1, you probably want a better shot at your max damage when casting your nukes, plus you get a cool bird following you around and all these newbs going why are you using the bird when your spear? http://www.silkroadtavern.com/strategy/guide/438

Posts : 89
Join date : 2008-04-03

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