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Kornelia - The INT Build PVP Strengths and weaknes

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Kornelia - The INT Build PVP Strengths and weaknes Empty Kornelia - The INT Build PVP Strengths and weaknes

Post  adeehe Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:15 am

There are many discussions floating around about the chinese and korean forums and all the hype about str builds and how great they are.

Something you must realize is these same players as I have experienced in many mmorpg's in the past love the mind numbing long grinding hours. Mostly to my general impression they don't care too much about pvp and love a steep grind on a game like this one. They are professional pve players, but lacking in the tactical department, which makes the int build less tasteful for them. I mean who needs to think when u can just run up to a mob and wait till it dies coz u can survive whatever damage it will deal you just pot up. Int builds can excell over an str build in pve and pvp if you know how to use your skills properly.

In the past I've fought Koreans and Chinese in other games and their pvp tactics basically come in 2 forms. Rush or Run away. When they outnumber you, they will rush you, when they are close to the same numbers they will wait till they have more so they will retreat. The best possible spec group you can have with these 2 tactics is an all str group.

Which brings us to the famous discussion about Strength vs Int Builds

I've read many threads about how people comment that in KR and CN forums the str builds are so Godly at later levels etc etc etc...

Maybe in a duel... but not in a group pvp situation.

For example: Dueling outside the gates you'll find the STR builds dominating due to their high health pools and pot spamming. Unless the int build is able to 1 shot kill their target they won't win a duel.

But is an int build designed to work this way? No

Int builds are never good on duels, even in other games they traditionally aren't a dueling class. The best dueling classes in other games would be the meatiest hardest hitting tank you can find.

Imagine a wizard wearing robes going toe to toe against a heavy armor wearing warrior with his 2 handed battle axe. Well you get the idea mage builds aren't meant to duel like this.

Low health strong nukes vs High Health medium strikes with the advantage of potions in this game if you want a duelist the strength build is for you.

But if you're more of a tactical team player you may want to reconsider the most popular opinions about int builds.

Forget what the KR and CN forums say these are a matter of opinion, and try to find your own opinion about my ideas as well, because everything out here is a matter of opinion, here is mine:

Int builds are a very strong build in PvE (Player vs Environment) and PvP (Player vs Player)

Out of the 3 weapons only 2 are worth making an int build however.

Int Spear

Although an int bow build would be the fastest levelling character from zero to 30, once you reach that level you'll realize your nuke isn't as good, and your bow skills isn't as good.
Some reasons why not to go bow int.
- A str build bow user will have very hard hitting pancheon skills much harder than you due to the fact that pancheon damage calculations are all based on your base str.
-If you choose to nuke you're nukes will be weaker than someone wearing a sword or a spear.
-A spear int will have more health, a sword+Shield will have more resistance and block attacks.

Advantages: Sword+Shield
-A shield can offer as much resistance as you chest peice sometimes more.
-A shield can completely block incoming attacks magical or physical.
-A shield can be carried with any armor type, so you can choose garment and have the same resistance as someone wearing protector or wear protector and have the same resistance as someone wearing armor.
-Swords are the second hardest nuking weapon you can use in game.
-If you had a 20 block shield (Which is possible coz I've seen it, but only owned 18 block myself) + your passive blocking ratio at whatever level you are. You're nullifying all incoming damage by that much % a shield is simply overpowered.

Advantages: Int Spear
-Access to heuksal passive increase health
-Hardest nuking weapon in game
-Access to close range power moves such as ghost petal and soulspear

In any int build I recommend taking up the lightning line at least up to level 12 for grasswalk level 1 for a 20% increase in speed just for book 1.

Wearing garment + Grasswalk level 1 is very fast, but a little bit slower than a horse.

If you like what you're reading about the int build so far read on I'll explain why they are actually the characters that will win battles in a group player vs player environment.

You need mobility to be able to survive, you're not meant to tank, your not meant to take damage, hell if you could don't take any at all just deal it out.

Situation 1: 2 STR Builds vs 1 STR + 1 INT Build

STR builds deal medium damage, tank incoming damage and spam pots it's a typical strategy doesn't require much thinking.

Typical strategy on a 2 vs 2 is target 1 guy take him out and gangbang the next.

Option 1: If the 2 str builds decide to target the 1 str build on the other team the int build has enough time to position himself and target whoever his teammate is bashing on and deal High Damage + His team mate's medium damage and will take out 1 of the 2 STR builds. 1 STR build vs 2 STR builds of the same level and power should still be able to tank the 2 medium incoming damage long enough for his int team mate to land some nukes on his target.

Option 2: If the 2 str builds decide to target the int build, the int build should have enough time to run, snare, drop mini nukes, run snare annoy, make them lose hope in catching him then we're back to option 1

Str Ranged attacks unless it's in rage form won't 1 shot an int build and you will have time to spam pots while running and kiting. I've tried this first hand.

Situation 2: 8 Str Builds vs 7 Str Builds +1 Int Build
Just imagine a long drawn fight and the one int build slowly turning the fight to their favour.

Situation 3: 8 Str Builds vs 4 Str Builds + 4 int Builds
Same as Situation 1 but slaughter str spec group much faster.

I feel that int builds in a pvp group is essential to win battles that are not declared by what level you are, how much + your weapons have or how much protector elixirs you dumped in your armors.

Int builds are simply all about running and then dealing the most amount of damage in the least amount of time.

Int builds should choose to max out their nuke, and grab utility damage insta-cast damage such as Shock Lion Shout for follow up damage and have a point black powermove as a finisher. A spear user would use ghost spear petal as a finisher and an int sword may use the knockdown and stab move as their finisher, the knockdown may also be used as a "root" tool to give them a chance to run away from a very powerful opponent. Knock his ass down then run and setup for another nuke.

Some int build facts.
If you have a rage bar in a pvp situation you're nuke will kill any str build and int build even if they are a couple of levels higher than you. Unless they have a shield and it happens to block you're raged nuke, but at this point you can run a bit wait for your nuke to recycle and drop it again.

Int Spear vs Int Shield
Same levels they will nuke each other in 1 shot, but a shield has the advantage of blocking the incoming nuke and surviving the first blow and able to deliver their nuke that will kill the int spear even with the health passive the health bonus on a spear isn't that much more than the Sword+Shield.

If the shield doesn't block all that matters is who casted the nuke first.

Group PVP with Int Lightning - Very good Crowd Control You're hitting multiple targets and swaying the balance in a big way, if you have the survival instincts.

Fire, Ice and lightning
There are advantages and disadvantages to going with each of these elements, some people choose two big nukes, some go with only 1 depending on how many skills they are training in each line and your play style these are both possible.

Fire: The fire line enchant and nuke has the highest base damage of the 3, and will deal the most damage provided you trained the lightning line combine must piercing force along with your enchant and nuke.

Ice: Always has been and probably always will be the #1 most annoying, least damage, yet still lethal status effect you can recieve from someone in a pvp situation. My opinon ice is the hardest to fight in a pvp situation for a str or int build with whatever weapon they are using ice is the hardest to fight among the 3.

Lightning: Crowd Control, lowers your parry ratio and let's everyone hit your target even harder, plus you're hitting multiples at once, very effective if used properly.

PvE (Player vs Environment)
Once you have your big bomb, levelling is damn fast. I went from level 32-36 in 1 day of hardcore playing. When you can 1 shot kill most things in your quest xp gains are alot quicker than anything in the game.
Fighting Giants isn't recommended if you don't have a rage bar, but anything else is toast. If someone approaches you're hunting area they'll end up leaving in frustration because you're killing everything so fast they won't even dream of KSing you.

In Conclusion:
All in all I think the int build is strong in both PvP and PvE it is only a matter of playstyle. If you know and understand how to play your int character you can dominate in both situations. Alone or in a group (Make sure you have rage if you're alone though)
I hope to dispell any random rumors that has started through random ideas people have extracted from Korean or Chinese forums talking badly about the int build, just because they have been playing the game longer than we have, it doesn't mean whatever they say in their forums is true and should be treated as an absolute.

Hope you enjoyed my 2 cents on the INT build. http://www.silkroadtavern.com/strategy/guide/441

Posts : 89
Join date : 2008-04-03

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