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Tips and Tricks

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Tips and Tricks Empty Tips and Tricks

Post  tuinman159 Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:18 pm

Tips and tricks

* Rubber nipples? I'll take the whole truck! Here's five bucks!
hold down CTRL and left click the target item you wish to buy. This allows you
to buy a complete stack of the item you clicked without the verify menu.
Ctrl+click arrows gets you 250 arrows
Ctrl+click heal berries gets you 50 berries

* Sick of all those pesky positive buffs?
If there are only 20 seconds left on your grasswalk effect and you want to
recast it now instead of having it wear off naturally only to be recast at a
later inconvenient time, you can right click the small icon in the upper right
corner to force disenchant the positive buff.
Note: this only works on positive buffs. No getting rid of poison like this.

* Extra experience points per kill
While you're in a party that does not auto-share experience, there is a 2.5% or
so bonus to experience per member. You're only allowed four people to a party
when you do this method, but it's definitely worth partying up, even with
people you don't know, as everyone gets more experience.
Party of two people, +5% experience
Party of three people, +7.5% experience
Party of four people, +10% experience

* Glaive user with a hawk? Bow user with reduced status effect?
So the white hawk can only be used while you're equipped with a bow, and the
fire skill shield imbue only works while you have a shield, it's possible to
have both of these buffs on at the same time. First, equip a bow, then cast the
hawk. Then equip a shield and cast the shield imbue. Then put on whichever
weapon you wanted to use and those buffs won't go away.

Posts : 100
Join date : 2008-04-01

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