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Tips and tricks

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Tips and tricks Empty Tips and tricks

Post  WOW FAN Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:33 pm

Buy things in a batch
Tired of dragging the potions to your inventory then type the amount in? just hold ctrl and left click on the potion and you'll buy a batch of 50.

Manually turn off stat-raising effect
Right click on the little effect icon to discard the effect (e.g. attack up, defence up, etc.)

Extra experience points
When set to respective acquire experience, for every extra member in the party there's a 2.5% exp bonus. So a full 4 persons respective party will have an extra 10% exp bonus.

This item can be bought in the general store, and when used summon a red lantern-like thing in the field. Upon killing the "lantern" it'll explode and kill the attacker. This "lantern" use actually used for killing botters but I think the botters in Chinese SRO already found a way to avoid them >_> They can only be used once per hour.

Stat-up skill with a different weapon
some stat-up skills requires a weapon or a shield(example bow attack-rating increase). The effect actually does not disappear when you take off the requiring equipment. So you can equip the require tools, cast the skills, then re-equip your major weapon, and you'll still have the buff.

Does imbues skills stack?
No they don't. You can only activate one imbue skill at anytime. However, different stat-up/down skill can be used together, for example you can have physical and mental defence up, burn, and electric shock together.

Glowing equipments
Equipments glows when it's upgraded. There're still effects:

+3 +4 silvery white glow
+5 +6 purple red-ish glow
+7 +8 Golden glow
+9 blue-green-ish glow

Posts : 224
Join date : 2008-03-20

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