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Tips and Tricks

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Tips and Tricks Empty Tips and Tricks

Post  nbgac Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:26 am

Here I will add a few helpful tips and tricks for the general of the dungeon. These will most likely make it quicker and easier (easier for sure if it isn’t quicker) and should produce better results!

Killing things

-If you see a group of monsters even within a Solo battle mode area, definately use a aoe spell; this will cut allot of time off the final score in the end.

-*Big thing/Bug* In the temple there are many breakable doors (within the MonistaryOfThePurkas)… However if you are a ranged attacker (or have any ranged spell, melle attacks will not work) you can avoid breaking down the door and use magic attacks on the monsters behind the door (if you can click them). This definately helps in a few situations!

-*SUMMONERS ONLY* Summoners can make use of their pet as a “shield” within the last part of the dungeon (Where the three frizkhans all come at you at once.) This is the most usefull trick I think I’ve found. To avoid getting hit/damaged/aggro mobs all on you attack the poll and then allow your summon to finish it off (YOU MUST STAND IN THE CORNER, AWAY FROM THE POLL). This makes them all attack your summoned pet rather then you! (yaaaaaay)


-This area is comprised of a series of “switches” (aka crystals). Right after you break a crystal you can look around yourself and if you notice a slight change in the area (It should look like the platform is falling down[really….]) then run to that spot and that is the new way to go!

-*Bug* You can attack the monsters on diffrent platforms (EVEN WITHOUT A BRIDGE BEING THERE) and kill them without them touching you *RANGED ATTACKERS ONLY*

-*Bug* Sometimes a new platform will be “unseen” and this will stump many people, and most likely make them quit the dungeon this round; DO NOT QUIT THE DUNGEON…! This is simply a graphic glitch, there is in fact a bridge there however it is invisable; keep trying to cross the “not yet unlocked InDunBridges” you WILL get one if you keep trying.

-Most bridges that appear are fairly close to the crystal that you just broke! Make use of the 3d part of this game and look around you too see where it lands. (and don’t run to the other side off the bat without looking )

Posts : 99
Join date : 2008-04-01

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