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AoE Training Guide

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AoE Training Guide Empty AoE Training Guide

Post  nbgac Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:11 am

AoE Training Guide After partying for a while, I realized that a lot of people don’t know how to AoE Train, so I decided to make a guide for everyone ^^

AoE training is by far the most efficient way to leve for most classes, so whenever possible it should be done. It requires 2+ people, unless you are soloing in which case you should choose relatively easy mobs for it.


Step 1 - Starting the Train

First, you need to find an appropriate area to do effective AoE training. These areas will have lots of mobs, and at least a big enough area to circle around in. To start the train, choose a Leader (the one who will grab the mobs), and the rest should follow behind him, like this:

Step 2 - Making a Good Train

Now once you’ve started running, the best way to make a train is to come close enough to monsters without letting them hit you. You also don’t want to run straight because you will eventually lose part of your train you’ve gathered. The correct way to do this is by zig-zaging, or circling. As you gather more and more mobs, it becomes imperative that you are able to not be hit until you stop. A model of a good train here:

Step 3 - Setting It Up

Now, when you’ve gathered all the mobs you can possibly train, circle one last time to get them all close together, and then stop. At this time, the other members of the party will stop following you, and let the mobs gather around that haven’t yet if needed. It should look like this:

Step 4 - The Fun Part

Now you cash in your hard work and relieve a little stress, by unleashing all your AoEs in succession on the giant mob you have gathered. Each AoE should hit all the targets, or the majority. This is what you want to see:

Step 5 - Finishing the Train

A clean and efficient train should leave 0 survivors, 1-2 max if it’s a large train. If there are, quickly finish them off. Now, collect the DIL and any good drops, and get ready to do it again. This is the finish product:

All credit goes to Llednari, the maker of this guide.

Source: www.2MoonsGuru.com

Posts : 99
Join date : 2008-04-01

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