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1-30 Training guide for :Funded Mage

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1-30 Training guide for :Funded Mage Empty 1-30 Training guide for :Funded Mage

Post  eybumm Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:25 am

Exactly what the title says : D I'll start with funded mage.

1-8. Stay at maple island and do ALL the quests. except biggs collection of items. Also Mai's last quest you should just forfeit. Be sure to choose a club as the starting weapon as it has more attack damage. Add all int and Luk your level +3.Train on green snails and blue snails.

8-12. Now we have more choice of monsters to train on. Go to ellenia and make the job advancement. errrr...well....for the skill build...I didn't exactly do it in any exact order. Max out improving max mp,magic claw,magic gaurd,and put points into improving MP recovery for magic gaurd but don't add anymore. We are funded remember? Don't put any in magic bolt(except 1 point) and magic armour. Magic armour isn't that good and magic bolt just PLAIN SUCKS.I maxed magic claw at about lv 14-17 and I had few points in to mp recovery and improving max mp. After I maxed claw I put points in to magic gaurd and improving max mp.Now on to the training place. Train on slimes at tree of ellenia until lv 12. Put all in to magic claw if you want...Buy all the equipment your level.

12-14:Buy all of the equipment thats on your level and then go to fight orange mushies at kerning construction site(either one) octos will work also

14-16:Buy lots of potions and go to mushroom forest japan. You can also go to Pig beach.

18-24.Ant tunnel 1-4 you can ALSO train at excavation site at ghost stumps and those retarded guys that hold wooden boards up to there faces .

24-30 boars or ant tunnel.

Please don't look down on me. I know it was a sucky guide but oh well . http://www.onrpg.com/boards/56160.html

Posts : 115
Join date : 2008-04-01

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