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First job training areas

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First job training areas Empty First job training areas

Post  ssjuc Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:18 pm

* Level 10-16: I STRONGLY recommend you to do the beginner warrior's training. It not only gives you good exp, but it's fairly quick and easy and the reward can substitute for almost half your exp bar! After that, though, Slimes and Orange Mushrooms are your best bets. Go to the town of Ellinia, and go north two rooms to "The Tree That Grew 1." There are lots of slimes there that give 10 experience per kill. You could also ask someone to show you where it is, if you are lost. You may also want to go to the "Henesys Hunting Ground 1," which is the first room to the left of Henesys and kill Orange Mushrooms, which give 15 experience per shroom. Try to join a party with at least 3 active members as even though you get less experience from killing monsters by yourself, it will be easier to level up because party experience is coming in all the time. Henesys Party Quest for all levels is good too.
* Level 17-19: Now is where it begins to become a challenge to level up. You could kill Orange Mushrooms at the Henesys Hunting Ground 1, or if you believe that you are strong enough, you could kill Pigs (15 experience per kill) or Ribbon Pigs (20 experience per kill). Another alternative is stumps and octopuses (and mushrooms) just south of Kerning (in Kerning City Construction Site map). They may not give the best exp, but they are quick and easy to kill. They (the mushrooms and pigs, that is) can be found about one or two rooms left of the Henesys Hunting Ground 1. If you plan to kill Pigs over Orange Mushrooms, I suggest you have some backup money to pay for potions. Another great training area is the Rain Forest East of Henesys. There are many pigs and ribbon pigs there.... almost like pig beach. You could also party with at least 3 maplers and go to an Ellinia Danger Zone and take shifts in killing hornies.
* "Henesys Hunting Ground II" is also ideal because not many players go up there to train, so the lack there of players in Henesys Hunting Ground II makes it a perfect place to not only gain EXP but also items and event items.
* Level 20-24: Congratulate yourself for getting to level 20! Now you can buy weapons and armor that you couldn't purchase before, and kill Pigs with insane ease. Now you are in for one heck of a challenge. Go to Pig Beach. If you don't know where to find Pig Beach, then follow these simple instructions.

1. Go to the "3-Way Split" between Lith Harbor, Kerning City, and Henesys.

2. If you came from the left side of the screen, go towards the middle then up one level to a large yellow flower patch.

3. There is a hidden teleport here, towards the middle of the patch, but a little to the right. Check to see if a teleport is there by pressing the "up" button on every small step.

Once you get teleported, you are now at Pig Beach, a place where many Pigs, and Ribbon Pigs spawn about every 15 seconds. NOTE! Bring plenty of potions with you here, for you will get insanely hurt by the constant stampede of Pigs. If you are very unlucky, you will come upon an Iron Hog here (Pig in armor). Try not to attack him. If you do though, he will follow you a lot and hurt you for about 30-60 damage. Also, at your level, you will also miss a lot more than usual on iron hogs, therefore not knocking it back and not delaying it from getting it to you. At level 21, you will be able to enter the first Party Quest which is a very good place to gain EXP, though it can take a while to get in. Fighting Green Mushrooms at Henesys Hunting Ground I is also a decent place to train.

* Note: As a warrior you will always have large amounts of hp and your weapon defense will be extremely high for your level so waste less money on hp and mp pots, and buy more sniper pots/pills because this will allow you to hit higher level monsters.
* Level 25-29: Now is the time to go to Ellinia Dungeon Stalks in the rooms near Ellinia. Here you will find Green Mushrooms(gives 26 exp) and Horny Mushrooms(35 exp), which is just what we are looking for. Again, bring many potions, as you will be spending much time here. Also by level 27 it might be an idea to fight wild boars in Perion. Hp loss will be pretty high because the boars are fast and they take a lot of health. Dexterity should be somewhat high to hit them constantly. Another option is to go to the Evil Eye Cave at lvl 27-28 if you've got a LOT of money to spent.

* Note: Most places have "Axe Stumps", which seem to never get in these things, they give you 30 EXP and can be killed at Level 15.

* Also if you really feel like burning money go fight green and horny mushrooms at about level 20. be prepared for a lot of damage done by the horny mushrooms, and if you have lower than 26 dex you will be missing so if you do have less bring lots of potions, and sniper pots/pills.

If you feel like burning money, go to Fish Resting Spot. Lots of Cicles and Cicos there so you can Slash Blast to your heart's delight, but even with good maneuvers you'll be losing some money.

From the subway of Kerning City, the first area is full of Bubblings who give decent EXP.

If you get bored of training, you can always to Party Quests in Kerning City. Advised not to do a party quest until you are level 25, because you will not be able to do much damage to the boss monster.http://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory/Warrior_Guide

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Join date : 2008-04-01

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