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Second job training areas

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Second job training areas Empty Second job training areas

Post  ssjuc Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:20 pm

* Level 30-34: For GMS, Trixters are good as they never move horizontally, meaning you'll never get hit unless you go and collect loot yourself. Jr Sentinels works well as an alternative, but it's pretty slow training. Land of Wild Boar I or II can be an excellent place for fast exp and money as well

* Level 35-39: Go to Jr. kitties in orbis and start mass killing them. Alternatives include Evil Eye Cave, which is fast but burns money a bit, and Jr Sentinels, which earns money quite fast but is unbearably slow on training. Teddies and Pink teddies are also worth a try, generally because there is lots of space, along with good experience and money.

* Level 40-44: If you can hit Jr Boogies, Go to Evil Eye Cave. There are a LOT of evil eyes there, and the map is quite small. Furthermore, you don't have mages bothering you there, and while you will meet the occasional assassin the terrain's terrible for them. You won't earn a lot of money but hey, at least you're training. Jr. Cellion/Lioner/Grupin, found near Orbis at The Garden of 3 Colors are also good experience. One particular training spot that is never crowded but is very good experience is Floor 10 of the Eos tower, which has very rapid spawn of Bloctopi and Block Golems. The reason people don't frequent this area is because of its distance from potting points. Training enthusiasts would be best off here, and later on Floor 8, which has massive Block Golem and King Block Golem spawn. Alternatives: Fire Boars (so-so experience, good money) and Leatties.

Ludibrium Party Quest is a good way to train, especially for spearmen (hyperbody) and fighters (rage). It is often hard to get in, however. Other methods of training are sometimes more effective. {Just a suggestion}

* Level 45-49: Continue at Floor 8 or Hidden Tower for more Block Golems. Their low accuracy requirement makes these ideal monsters to those who tailor their DEX to be as low as possible. As a (slower) alternative, go to Dangerous Valley and train on Fire Boars and Copper Drakes for a while. The bottom part and the middle part are generally very good since there are a lot of spawns, but try to go to a map with two people already there (you'll be the third person) so you don't have to run around to kill things. You can also try Dark Leatties or Jr Kitties, but the former isn't really good for money and the latter is rather slow, and you'll get KSed a lot. The Lanterns in Mushroom Shrine are also great training, and while pot cost will be hefty, their drops can cover it nicely.

* Level 50-54: Lanterns and Block Golems still work, but for new palces you can either go to Cloud Park IV or Jr Yetis. Jr Yetis are considered a bit better because there are a LOT of them over there, so you can slash blast to your heart's delight. Cloud Park IV is more focused on single attack, but Lunar and Star Pixies are not hard to kill and have decent drops. Fighting Platoon Chronos in Lost Time <1> or The Road of Time <1> is also a possibility. Iron Hog are recommended if one can KO with no more than 3-hits. Their spawn rates are ideal and they deal low damage; ideal for meso saving. They can be found at Pig Park. The best place at this level, however, are probably the Straw Target Dummies (aka STDs) in Mu Lung. Their spawn is pretty hyper, and they're slow and rather weak.

* Level 55-59: STDs are still very nice at this point, as with Jr Yetis and Luster Pixies. Drake's Meal Table also open up as a very nice training place, as their exp is quite awesome and drops are not half bad either. Prepare to be drowned in Pink Cone Hats though.

* Level 60-69: Remember Drake's Meal Table? If you have Power Guard, it now switches from awesome experience and little profit to decent experience and HECK OF A LOT OF profit. STDs and Lusters still work as well. Some new places are Hectors, Zombies, Forest of Golem and Gryphons. Voodoo/Hoodoos are also an option, but rude assassins, bandits, and heck... ANYTHING will ks the crap out of 6x warriors at this point.

* Level 70-80: The best training spot in most versions remains to be Forest of Golem. In MapleSEA, however, the exclusive Singapore Map provides unbelievable experience, ranging from a ratio of HP:EXP 5000:200, 5500:220, or 5800:250. Mr. Anchors are not recommended as their magic attack deals a surprising 2000, and their HP is nearly twice that of Slimy, giving only 25 more Exp. However, all of them drop either Tobi Throwing-Stars or Steely Throwing-Knives, coupled with good drops, making it the best training place for MapleSEA players in this level range. Some alternatives to Golems are Hectors, Coolie Zombies (Forest of Dead Tress I-IV), or Drakes, Cold Eyes, and Ice Drakes (Drake Area, take the middle east exit from Drake's Meal Table). At high 70s, warriors are able to train in the Ludibrium dungeon. Dragon Knights will be able to train with priests at Death Teddies or Master Death Teddies since they help the priest train without MG because of Hyper Body, while Crusaders and White Knights are better off soloing Ghost Pirates, although if they are able to get a priest they too can train at the aforementioned areas.

Posts : 119
Join date : 2008-04-01

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