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Well lets look at the diff areas

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Well lets look at the diff areas Empty Well lets look at the diff areas

Post  WOW FAN Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:22 pm

Graphics - Both have pretty nice graphics but overall they have diff style graphics, this graphics in Rapplez would look more like the europe civilization aspect of sro, but both have good graphics.

Sound- Haha sro has lamest songs ive ever heard, the songs in rapplez are pretty listenable but i stil feel more awake grinding to my own music, so this acpect can be counted out.

Sound fx- Though i didnt pay much attention to this aspect, i'd lean towards silkroad having more variation in sound fx.

Story/Quests- Well both have different types of quests, i havent played far enough into Rapplez to say much here but so far i'm pretty much stil in training, i've gone through elementy, basic now on intermediate trainer, they each give u tasks to complete, rewards vary from money(rupees), equipment to booster stuff and exp. But i wouldnt say ive tackled any challenging quests yet. Quests at the begining are received from diff npcs dependin on race, each race start at a diff place.

Environment - The setting from both game are very different, silkroad is set in a chinese based environment, whilst rapplez seem to be set in a environment of the time where magic was the main weapon of choice, but both have nice environments.

LVLing- So far it seems silkroad has faster lvling, though im only in the early stages of rapplez and pretty much only have one skill and a bunch of passives, i'd have to comment on this aspect later down in the game, when i have aquired more skills.i'm also stil missing heaps of gears but i have a necklace that actually makes monsters drop a special item i can trade in for booster chips =), And as for farmin, though instead of sp u require jp in rapplez, so far it seems very easy to get jp, infact npcs advise not to save up jp as u dunt need to, since its easy to gain.

GUI- Silkroad's interface is better designed and has more details, but rapplez is still not fully developed.

PVP- Well as far as i saw there is a seperate server for pvp in Rapplez, hence it would seem ppl from the other server can all come across and enter the pvp server for fights, tornys etc. Silks pvp is basic, cape colour based. Though u can pk(player kill) in rapplez in regular server, penalties for murder is similar to silkroad i tink.

Guild- Both guild system would seem to be similar to me, both can have custom icons for their guild.

Gameplay- Both are click to move, though sro can be controlled also via arrow keys(not very fun), but overall movement speed seems only increasable in rapplez via riding a pet, which ive yet to aquire(havent checked out this aspect too much yet). Collision detection is perfect in this, though after a while u get use to silkroad's collission issue.

Job system- Silkroad is build based, whilst Rapplez is job based, at lvl 10 u can choose ur first job, job varies depending on race chosen. I think u can choose 2nd job advancement at lvl 40.

Overall seeing as im bored of silkroad for now, i can keep myself entertained with sumthing, especially how ive made up my mind that the ppl working for joymax who are incharge of isro are dam idiots, i wont be one of the idiots who keeps supporting there standstill lvl 70 cap mmorpg.

Posts : 224
Join date : 2008-03-20

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