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Third Job Tips

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Third Job Tips Empty Third Job Tips

Post  ssjuc Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:49 pm

* There are a number of builds used in Third Job for Rangers. Some advocate the use of Thrust, which adds Speed passively; Others focus on mobbing skills, like Inferno. The third build advocates max Mortal Blow.
* low level strafe poses some issues. Its maximum damage is much greater than the potential max for Double Shot, but its minimum is equally lower. Some advocate putting strafe on hold until about level 3 to 5. A better choice for those playing for pure entertainment is to go ahead and use it, as first getting Strafe can be one of the most enjoyable points in an Archer's career.
* Puppet is a Ranger's best friend. It can be used to distract monsters that the player has aggravated. By placing it out of range of the monster's magic attacks, the monsters are rendered helpless. Puppet isn't as needed for snipers since they can merely freeze opponents.
* BEWARE: After the Third Job Advancement, the monsters that will be trained on are FAR more powerful. Get ready to enter training methods where the monster can kill an archer in two hits.
* If you haven't bothered to get a glove scrolled for Weapon Attack or any other direct damage boosting equips, do so ASAP.

Posts : 119
Join date : 2008-04-01

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