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Quest for an Epic Flying Mount (Part 3)

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Quest for an Epic Flying Mount (Part 3) Empty Quest for an Epic Flying Mount (Part 3)

Post  pwppxb Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:50 pm

In my last post I talked about hitting 70, which of course is the magic number so that one can obtain the ability to use flying mounts. And in my previous update on getting an epic flying mount, I said that it was highly unlikely that I would be able to hit 70 and go out right away and get one. That held true.

Upon hitting level 70 I still had a long way to go to be able to afford the 6000 gold I would need to hop straight onto the epic flying mount. In the long run being able to go straight to the epic flying mount would only save me 100 gold, not a huge amount when you are talking thousands in order to get it.

I also didn't feel like waiting for who knows how long in order to get the gold for the epic flying mount, so once I hit 70, it was off to Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley in order to get my expert riding training and my Snowy Gryphon.

Now it's a matter of slowly inching my way to the 5200 gold I need to get an epic mount.


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Join date : 2008-04-01

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