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In Quest for an Epic Flying Mount (Part 2)

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In Quest for an Epic Flying Mount (Part 2) Empty In Quest for an Epic Flying Mount (Part 2)

Post  pwppxb Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:54 pm

If you've read my blog over the last while, you may remember my post of my Quest for an Epic Flying Mount. Well, I think it's time for an update.

When I first posted about my desire for the Epic Flying Mount, I was level 64, almost 65. I had about 2,000 gold of the needed 6,000+ gold to go straight to the streaking 280% speed of flying feathers. At the time, getting the Epic Flying Mount when I hit 70 was more of a dream then something I knew would happen. But I figured I'd strive for it anyway.

Time has passed, levels and gold has changed, but am I going to be able to fly super fast right at level 70? As my nagging thoughts first suggested, it's not likely. Not unless I get a hugh influx of gold over the next few weeks.

See, I'm level 69 now, over half way through 69 infact, and I'm only a little bit closer for gold. I'm currently sitting on a little over 3,000 gold, still far away from the 6,000+ I need in order to get my mount. Even though it would have been nice, I knew my money making skills are not yet good enough to make 4,000+ gold in only 5 levels and they are definentally not good enough to make 3k+ in half a level.

Being this close to 70, I've settled on the fact that I will have to wait a little while longer before I can get my uber flying mount. I will get it, you can be sure of that. Just not right after I hit 70. The good thing is, I've pretty much finished with Hellfire Peninsula, Zangermarsh, and Terokkar Forest, leaving me with Nagrand to finish my climb to 70 and Blades Edge Mountains, Shadowmoon Valley, and Netherstorm to milk the quests for gold.

The quest may not be close to completion yet, but I will fly the somewhat friendly skies of Outlands at 280% speed eventually. http://www.worldofwar.net/forums/blogs/viewblog.php?userid=273881&entry=438

Posts : 109
Join date : 2008-04-01

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