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Simple plan: live and kill., A team build idea

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Simple plan: live and kill., A team build idea Empty Simple plan: live and kill., A team build idea

Post  sznnp Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:49 am

I’ve been toying with this for a while. We even tested it in various forms in Tombs and some GvG and it was decently effective.

Basic concept :
- 4 monks for survival
- 2 hammer warriors (or R/Ws) – heavy melee damage, physical
- 1 fast casting curser (Me/N) : lingering curse, defile flesh, weaken armor, rend enchantments, strip enchantment, drain enchantment, mantra of concentration, res sig. 79 energy on a switch.
- 1 fast casting life drainer (Me/N) : life transfer, life syphon, phantasmal and assortment of other hexes, including a snare.

I am confident, after intense testing, that a well cursed monk is a killable target by just 2 warriors – it usually takes seconds. If noone removes the hexes or interrupts the curser, there is no way for the monk to survive. For interruptions (hi gerbils ) I added mantra of concentration. The second necro has to stack his hexes over the curses, both for direct damage and to prevent hex removing.

While some people might think that 4 healers is overkill, I think surviving is the first step for winning – and this worked well it the hardest environment possible – Tombs. We had 2 consecutive flawless wins with one henchie (one in a 6 team map) and we would have won the third if not for me dropping Sad Besides, if monks do not have anything to heal they can attack with their rods . 3 boon/rof/mend/smite hex/prot spirit/OoBs and one healer hench should suffice.

It’s a very simple concept : no mana draining, no shutdown, no interrupting (except KD) and no complex skills interaction. No target switching. By being simple, there is less room for error or misunderstanding.

The build has counters, for instance the conflagration/winter/mantra of frost combo (I suggest one warrior at least to take wild blow). Nature spamming will cure hexes (you can put them back though – and nature builds usually don’t have high damage output to get through 4 healers)

Waiting for opinions. http://www.theamazonbasin.com/gw/forums/index.php?showtopic=3110

Posts : 42
Join date : 2008-04-03

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