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Quest for a Netherdrake Part II

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Quest for a Netherdrake Part II Empty Quest for a Netherdrake Part II

Post  pwppxb Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:41 pm

Well, with having been in Kara a bunch over the last couple weeks, I haven't done much at getting my Netherdrake. We had some rough going in Kara the last couple times and so we took a little break from it, and with that I went back to work at getting my Netherdrake.

I'm actually very close. So close it stinks. I was a little over half way through revered with Netherwing and have now managed to get myself to a little over 19000 rep with Netherwing. Alas I can only do one more quest today which will not get me enough rep to get over the 21000 hurdle. The good part is, I should be able to get my Netherdrake tomorrow. Couple dailies and I'll be exalted and on my way to getting one of the coolest looking mounts in the game. W00t!

The only annoying thing is my server is currently FUBAR'd. Can't even log on to do that one last quest.

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Join date : 2008-04-01

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